Chapter 16: Baby I Don't Play, From Miami, Causin' Trouble In LA

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Lauren's POV:

"Well then... I'll see you back at the house..." Taylor had said, hugging Camila and I goodbye before leaving us alone...

"Walk with me?" I asked- turning to Camila and holding out my hand.

"Of course." Camila smiled, taking my hand in hers and interlocking our fingers.

Camila looked beautiful, her hair fell loose about her face- tousled and tangled by the onshore breeze. Under the fading sun, her hair looked almost golden brown... The sun brought out every shade of brown in her eyes that you could possibly imagine- her orbs a mix of caramels and dark chocolates- glowing with a mischievous glint...

Camila stood transfixed- watching the sky just above the horizon- not knowing what to make of the vision that was unfolding before her eyes. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arms and feeling her soft skin against my hands.

"You're freezing..." I said,

"Only a little..." Camila admitted- even though her teeth had begin to chatter like a drill,

"Here..." I said, taking off my jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders.

"Always so romantic..." Camila smiled... falling back into my warm embrace...

"Only for you..." I smiled...

Our eyes met as I held her gently- cupping her face with one hand and holding her waist with the other...

I leant down pressing my lips against hers, kissing her softly... I felt her body loosen as she began to relax- her body falling further into mine. She moaned slightly as I pulled us even closer together- my hands beginning to work their way around her body...

Her head was angled slightly to the side as I showered her with gentle kisses- our lips moving in perfect sync as I felt her hands trace the tattoo on the back of my neck.

It felt as if the world was slowly disappearing around us- along with all of our worries, our troubles and our problems...

And it was in that moment, that Camila made me feel like nothing else mattered...

I leant in softly again- kissing up and down Camila's neck- smiling against her skin as she let out little whimpers of anticipation... I slowly worked my way back up to her smooth lips- giving her one last kiss steeped in a passion before we finally pulled apart...

Camila's POV:

We broke away from the kiss- left staring at each other with affection, curiosity and passion...

Dusk had come and go- and now the stars began to emerge around us like a beautiful, surreal blanket above our heads...

It was now dark outside- but the moon was so close that it illuminated the sky with a dazzling silver glow...

The sand was spread out for miles- squishing between our toes and shifting with every step as we slowly made our way back to the house.

The ocean was glittering a green-blue colour, similar to that of Lauren's eyes- the type of green that, even in the darkest times, can be the light that shows you the way home...

As Lauren and I twisted and turned through the city blocks, the air was fresh- almost sweet and floral. We were hand in hand- our fingers interlocked as we walked through the streets of Los Angeles. The roads were long and wide, and the tower blocks were thin and tall... From cars, to restaurants, to apartments, and late-night shops- there were lights everywhere, surrounding us on all sides.

Soon, we found ourselves in the suburbs: the tower buildings slowly shrinking into rows of uniform houses and neatly mowed lawns...

As we walked, the conversation between Lauren and I was so much more than words... The smiles, the laughs, the gentle shrugs- even the silences between us were comfortable... We felt a sense of peace that came from feeling loved and protected...

Lauren's POV:

"You're back!" Taylor said from the top of the staircase- running down it and across the entryway to hug Camila and I,

"Yes we are..." I said,

"Did you watch the sunset?"

"Yes we did..."

"Was it nice?"

"Yes it was..."

"It was beautiful, thanks Tay" Camila smiled, letting me wrap my arm around her shoulder. I pulled her close, feeling the butterflies in my stomach as I felt her body pressed up against mine...

"You two are so cute..."

"I know we are... but I mean it genuinely- thanks Tay- It was a very thoughtful idea, and I'm very proud of you" I smiled,

"Well, I'm flattered .." she began, "But you're behind schedule... mum and dad are waiting... so you two should probably go and clean up... we have to leave really soon..."

"Ok... we'll be down soon..." I said as Camila and I made our way up the staircase, still hand in hand...

I walked Camila down the corridor to her bedroom- stopping outside her door and smiling at her shyly.

"I'll knock for you ok?"

"Ok Laur..." she smiled.

"Ok..." I said- as I pulled her in gently for a closed-mouthed kiss, "I'll see you in a minute" I said- unable to wipe away the cheesy grin that had spread across my face...

Camila's POV:

I closed the door to my bedroom- leaning back against the door and smiling uncontrollably...

For the first time in a long time... I was truly happy... I was away from the stresses of Miami and Jauregui Multinational- with only Lauren on my mind...

Being in LA allowed me to spend time with Lauren without any distractions... and as a result our relationship was flourishing...

But it was because of that, that I was racked with nerves for dinner with Lauren's family... Even though I got on really well with Taylor, Mike and Clara... I was nervous that something was going to go wrong...

Sighing deeply, I looked back at my reflection in the mirror- nervously smoothing the fabric of my dress...

I had changed into a black high neck dress- it was sat at my mid thigh with a shiny silver collar along the top. I had brushed my wavy hair in a side parting- and I was wearing light silver makeup to match- resembling a similar colour to the silver rings and earrings I wore to accessorise...

But I was interrupted by a knock at the door...

"Hey..." Lauren said as I opened the door... "You look absolutely beautiful..."

"Thank you... So do you..." I smiled, and I wasn't lying...

She was wearing a white two piece: a white skirt on her bottom half and a white long sleeved shirt on her top half... Her hair was straightened in a middle parting and her makeup was done flawlessly... She was wearing winged eyeliner, light brown metallic eyeshadow and a thin layer of mascara... The circumference of her lower neck was surrounded by a white necklace, and her fingers were lined with silver rings...

"Should we get going?" She said with a smile, extending her arm and motioning for me to take it...

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