Chapter 13: Oh, I'm Scared If I Look In Your Eyes, I Might See Your Soul

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Lauren's POV:

I looked into the mirror in front of me, smoothing down the fabric of my dress and letting out a massive sigh... I was wearing a long, black dress with a plunging neckline- it was figure hugging at the top but loose and flowing at the bottom- covering the floor around my feet with the beautiful black fabric...

I had straightened my dark brown hair into a middle parting- and on my lips I wore my infamous matte red lipstick... My eyelids were coated in a thin layer of black eye makeup, and my eyes were circumscribed with black winged eyeliner. I wore rings on my fingers, and silver bracelets on my wrists... rattling against one another as I slipped on my black heels and slowly made my way towards the door...

Downstairs, the house was beginning to fill up with guests- their voices traveling up the stairwell and under the small crack in the door- their muffled conversations filing the room... I was suddenly overcome with nerves- and I couldn't tell if it was because I was about to see my family, or because I was about to see Camila...

Opening the door- I was hit by the roar of excited  voices: people deep in conversation, drinks in hand, listening to the music that had started to flow throughout the building... I stepped out into the corridor- walking over to Camila's room and knocking on the oak door...

I stepped back- waiting for her to answer- listening out for the sound of her heels making their way across the bedroom floor... getting louder the closer she got...

She opened the door...

"Hey..." She said with a wide smile, but I was left speechless...

Camila was wearing a long, tight, figure hugging dress- the red silky fabric cascading into a long trail at the back... Her dress was strapless- letting her wavy brown hair flow down the base of her neck to her upper back. She was wearing it up- tied loosely into a braid- two strands left out at the front to frame her face... Her eyelids were coated in a thin layer of nude eyeshadow- highlighting the golden brown in her eyes...

Her makeup was beautifully done- perfectly showcasing every single one of her delicate features... Like me, she wore rings on her fingers- the silver colour reflecting beautifully against the glistening diamond earrings suspended from her ears...

"Hey...." I reciprocated, "You look... absolutely incredible..." I said- my lips stretching into a shy smile...

"Thank you..." She said, closing the door behind her, "You clean up pretty well yourself Miss Jauregui..." she smiled again as we walked down the corridor...

"Lauren, stop for a second... You look so nervous..." she said.

"That's because I am... Aren't you?" I said as we got to the top of the staircase- I held out my arm, motioning for her to take it...

"A little bit..." she responded, taking my arm gently.

"We'll be ok..." I tried to say reassuringly... Although I wasn't sure if I was saying it to Camila or myself...

"Yes we will..." She smiled- as I led her down the staircase towards the growing crowd below...

Camila's POV:

Even with all the people and decorations, the house still kept its simplistic yet elegant design... The rooms of the house were beautifully illuminated by lights that suspended from the chandelier in the centre of ceiling...

Throughout the rooms, waiters were walking in and out with horderves and trays of champagne- weaving in and out of the small groups of people talking excitedly amongst themselves.

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