Chapter 2: Push The Negative To The Side, So It's Not In Front Of My Eyes

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23rd June 2021 5:30 pm

I sat on the plane staring down at the blue abyss below me. The mix of blues, greens and greys were mesmerising as the beautiful picture twisted and changed- forming the beautiful landscape below me. I bounced my legs nervously, flicking through my music library and pressing shuffle...

"...I'm told to do the same fucking thing everyday"

"I'm told to keep my wits about me when they question me"

"Sometimes the pushing and the pulling really gets to me"

"They're monitoring all the shit I do and say"

"Sometimes I wanna pick it up and maybe move away"

"Not to where I'm from, a couple galaxies away..."

I close my eyes, listening to the beautiful lyrics pouring through my phone...

"...I'm not your toy"

"I don't wanna be played with anytime that you like"

"You act annoyed"

"You say I'm dangerous when I open my mouth"

"Think that I have too much emotion and can't control it"

"While you start another war?"

"I'm not your toy"

"I'm not keeping quiet anymore..."

The nerves were starting to make me feel sick... Was this really the right choice? Was I really ready to move to Miami? Maybe my parents were right... regret began to make its way into my thoughts- if only I could ask them to turn this plane around and fly back home... my thoughts were interrupted by the pilot speaking on the intercom above me: 

"We will be arriving at Miami International shortly... please put on your seatbelts and thank you for flying with us today.. enjoy the rest of your flight!" he said, as the seatbelt lights turned on and I was left once again to my thoughts.

I nervously drank from my cup, opening up safari and typing 'Lauren Jauregui' into the hot bar at the top of the screen. Apart from her tough exterior, her arrogant and conceited reputation and her undisputed success in the world of business- Lauren Jauregui was actually a very private person.

"Please prepare for landing..." the pilot interrupted, 

"...Thank you for flying with us and we hope to see you again soon!"

As the plane gradually began to descend, I could see the beautiful scenery of Miami begin to emerge from the clouds below me. The clear blue water and the high rise buildings gradually came into view- but even the beauty of mother nature wasn't enough to stop me from being engulfed in nerves. My legs continued to bounce and my hands began to shake as I felt the wheels of the plane touch the ground. As soon as we landed I was helped out of my seat, escorted to the doors and taken down to the steps of the plane into the fresh air below. The second I stepped off of the plane I was hit by the familiar afternoon Miami heat. After spending so much time away, I had forgotten how beautiful the place I once called home was. I took off my jacket, tying it around my waist as I made my way through the airport. Gradually, I made my way through border control- collecting my luggage and walking through the revolving exit doors of the large concrete structure.

After making my way outside, I was greeted by a small, middle aged man. He was probably in his 40's, and gave me a friendly smile before approaching me,

"Miss Cabello?" he said, seeing me nod nervously and making his way towards the back seat of the black Mercedes in front of him...

"yes..." I said, making my way towards him.

"Miss Jauregui insisted that I pick you up from the airport and bring you to your hotel straight away. I believe she would like you to get settled in before you start work tomorrow...I was asked to remind you that the room and room service is already paid for..."  he began,

"I'm Jenkins, Miss Jauregui's driver," he said, holding out a hand "and I am responsible for taking you to business meetings and all other important businesses matters with Miss Jauregui." he continued.

"Nice to meet you"  I said, nervously holding out a hand and seeing Jenkins chuckle as he took it in his, and helped me into the car.

As we drove I continued to take in the beautiful environment around me: the clear blue water, the green palm trees, the white washed buildings... I missed living in Miami, but never thought I'd ever come back after what happened. I promised myself after university I would work away from home- starting fresh- I always had doubts about leaving, but I certainly never thought I would find my way back so soon...

As we pulled up to the hotel Jenkins turned around and faced me:

"Here we are Miss Cabello" he said, "I'll be here at 7:15am to pick you up tomorrow, have a good night"

I exited the car, making my way to the front desk... picking up my key card and making my way up to the room...


..."Ahhhhhhh!" I groaned as a placed my phone onto the chest of draws in front of me, collapsed onto my bed and closed my eyes- slowly sinking into the soft mattress beneath me.

I immediately felt myself drifting into a deep-sleep... thinking about Jauregui Multinational and the busy day ahead...

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