Chapter 1 Part 5 "Red-White Dutchmen"

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I walked back to the bookshelf to look up the history of Western art. Ah, here it is, I found It! Renaissance and Renaissance in Western Art.

I took the book then brought it back to the table where Ilya sat. When I arrived, Ilya was watching the live news broadcast about today's demonstration using his earphones. I saw the policemen were lining up to build barricades, while representatives of community organizations and students were demonstrating in front of the Sucilangkung City's Regional Volksraad building.

I tapped him on the shoulder. "Here, Ilya, I got the book."

"Alhamdulillah, you're back. I thought you got lost earlier."

"Haha funny."

" Pffft, okay, let's begin!"

Ilya and I sat next to each other and then started looking for key words or important sentences from each chapter in the book. We incorporate it into the content of our presentations and jot down anything important into our Word or notepad applications.

A few moments later, I saw the clock display on Ilya's laptop. It seems that we have been here for half an hour and the time for the Zuhur prayer has arrived.

"Ilya, it's noon, I want to pray first."

"Well, I also wanted to say just now."

"Okay, you first, I'll keep an eye for your belongings, we'll take turns."

" Spasiba ."

"Nema na čemu."

Ilya stood up from his chair, then walked towards the exit of the library.


I spent time looking for materials, flipping through the pages of the book, when suddenly I saw many students walking carrying banners and other demonstration attributes past the library window.

I heard a little about what was going on through their explanation from the loud speaker that they were using for their speeches. Someone who gave an oration was a student from Dutch ethnicity. Ah, yes, he is, the Head of the Student Executive Board of this campus. Alhamdulillah, he is a Muslim. His name is Adrian van Dijk. His name is not the name of a Muslim. However, he also serves as Head of the Islamic Organization Student Activity Unit. Just so you know, the voice of the recitation of the Koran is good.

"Well, my friends, as we all know, we're here just so we can have a peaceful demonstration, not rioting, but, instead the campus security prevented it!"

"Booo! Booo! Booo!" Their response was heard deep inside, capturing the attention of the people in the library.

"We just want to excercise our rights. Is that right, friends?"


"Who are here is Dutchmen?" he asked and many in the crowd raised their hands.

"Now, I want to ask you, who amongst you here even though are Dutchmen, their hearts are red and white?"

They were still raising their hands.

"Who here is Dutch and doesn't want our beloved United States of Indonesia to be deprived of its sovereignty by the Netherlands?"

Everyone was still raising their hands.

"Who here is Dutch, but thinks that the natives are also their kin and don't want their rights to be taken away by the Netherlands?"

Everyone raised their hands.

"Who disagrees with the fascist and racist policies of Prime Minister Willem van Huizen?"

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