Chapter 1

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December 31st 1989

I rushed getting ready for this party. I honestly didn't want to go, I've been at work all day. Face was really good at persuading me to go. As in persuading, i mean he threw one of his bitch fits about how I never go out blah blah blah. It's crazy how he always love going to parties and his ass is antisocial, doesn't make sense but whatever. Of course I gave in because big brother knows best right ? Definitely not, but what the hell, he kind of had a point. My ass never goes anywhere.

I pull up to this big ass mansion. My house is nice, but damn ! I don't know who lives here, but I know they got moneyyyyy. I parked my car and got out walking to the entrance.  As I got closer, I see a bunch of celebrities and a red carpet. Shit ! I guess we got to enter the new decade with a bang.

As I walk through the mansion, I spoke to some people until I found Face. I'm not super famous but I knew a lot of celebs, from doing their hair or hanging around Face. Yes I'm a hairstylist, one of the best actually. Oh my bad, by Face I mean as in Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds. We met about two years ago, when he heard me singing at a night club. From that night on, he's been like a big brother to me, he swear he my daddy though. Face only met me at the night club because it was karaoke night and singing is definitely one of my little hobbies. He's says I have major potential in the music career, I don't think so honestly, but we shall see what God as in store for me.

"Is that my lil sis, looking beautiful as ever!" Face damn neared knocked me down hugging me. This nigga drunk, where is Tracey when you need her ? "Face, what the hell, you almost knocked me over!" He lets me go and dust off my shoulders...idiot. "My bad my bad, I'm just a lil clumsy right now, that Crown Royal kicking in." I laughed because he know he can't handle that shit but stay drinking it. It's even funnier because he's only goofy and clumsy when he's drunk. That's a good thing I suppose. "Kenny where's Tracey, you know she the only one that likes dealing with your goofy ass when you drunk." I say. "I don't know, I think she went to the bathroom." he says. "We need to find her because you already drunk and it's only 8:00 dude." I say, laughing at him. "Shut up T, I'm just really feeling this party, it's been awhile since me and wifey been out." he says. I nodded understanding. "Anyway, when you gone marry her, make that wifey name official." I say. He blushed and looked away. " In due time T, in due time." he says. "Awww you blushing and shit, that pussy got power, your ass so antisocial, I was surprised when you told me about you and her." I say. He smacks his lips. " Whatever Toni, when you gone stop playing and get you a real woman, not no lil girl like Stacey." he says. I rolled my eyes as he mentioned her name. Stacey is my ex, we were together for three years. We broke up earlier this year because she was just "experimenting." Bitch ass but that's a story for another time. "Face don't start, I'm doing me right now alright I don't need love, I'm focused on my career." I say, wanting to leave the subject alone. As he was about to speak, Tracey came up to us. "TONIIII !!" Tracey squealed. Aw hell shes drunk too. I'm glad their driver drove them here tonight because lord knows me taking them home drunk would be a workout. "TRACEYYYY !!" I yell back, laughing. She bent down and picked me up. I know I'm short but damn don't be picking me up like I'm a lil kid. She always does this with her long ass. "Girl put me the fuck down, you know I hate when you pick me up." I scolded. She laughed and put me down. "Shut up shorty by nature, you know it's all love." She says. "Yeah whatever, green giant." I said back. We looked at each other then burst out laughing. Tracey was like a sister to me like Face was a big brother. We were both 22 and Face was ten years older. Im still tryna see how he bagged her because Tracey is fineeee !! And Face be acting all shy and antisocial and shit but I guess that's what she loves about my brother. I'm honestly glad she's with him, she makes him happy. They're perfect for each other. I smiled watching them dancing and laughing with each other.

It was now 11 and I was mingling with guests and what not. "Damn girl, what's your name." I turned around to be faced with Bobby Brown. I scuffed, "Toni Braxton, why ?" He smirks. "I'm tryna take you home tonight baby." he says. Yea, no, homeboy tripping. "Sorry to bust your bubble sweetie but I don't swing straight if you catch my drift and aren't you with Whitney Houston ? I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate you tryna take me home." I scolded as Whitney appears behind him. Shit about to get real. I folded my arms as he begins to speak. "What she don't know won't hurt her, now stop-." He was cut off with a slap to the head. I covered my mouth as I laughed. " BOBBY MF BROWN HAVE YOU LOST YOUR DAMN MIND TAKE YOUR PUNK ASS OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW." Whitney yells, drawing attention. She turns to me. "I'm sorry girl, that nigga be tripping, he ain't gone stop until I kill his ass." I smiled. "Hey, it's all good, you got to do what you got to do." We said our goodbyes as she left. I looked at my watch and seen that it's 11:58. I start to look for Tracey and Face. As I looked around, I lock eyes with the most beautiful girl I ever seen. As the crowd begins to count down from 5, me and the beautiful woman stared into each other's souls. The fireworks went off and so did the ones inside of me. We slowly began to walk towards each other, I soon realized who she was.

Janet Jackson.

This my first book y'all bare with me.
Thoughts ??

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