Chapter 17

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October 8th, 1993

I woke up feeling someone kissing on my neck. I opened my eyes and seen that it was Toni. After she passed out last night, I just fell asleep holding her, making sure she was ok. "I don't know what you did to me Jackson, but it's my turn" she purred. Chills went down my spine when she said that. Toni went back to sucking on my neck.

She slide two fingers inside of me going at a fast pace. My moans became unbearable when she went down and sucked my clit. I don't know what has gotten into her. I don't care what it is I love it. 

She spread my legs far apart and put her tongue deep inside of me, causing me to grip the sheets tightly. My back arched off the bed as I came quickly in her mouth. "Ssshittt baby" I screamed out as she keep devouring me after I came.

My eyes rolled back as I felt another orgasm come. "TONIIIII" I gripped that sheets, arching my back, cumming again. What the hell is she doing to me.

Toni didn't say a word, she just set up and center our cores together and began grinding on me. "Mmmm fuck baby" she moaned. That made me wetter. Her moans are so angelic. I started grinding into Toni matching her pace. The room filled with our moans.

Toni threw her head back, moaning loudly, cumming. I soon came after her. She came down and kiss me passionately.

As me and Janet kiss passionately, I slid three fingers into her and moved in and out of her. My pace was slow as I hit her walls. She's moaning like crazy. So sexy. I'll never get over how sexy she is.

I looked into her eyes, "I love you Janet". "I love you more". On cue, her eyes roll back and her back arches and she cums all over my fingers.

I went down and cleaned her up. She jumps as she feels my tongue on her. She squirms and lets out a soft moan. I can make love to her all day, every day.

We hold each other in silence, comfortable silence. I was in my thoughts as she draws circles around my skin. Being intimate with her without sex is even better.

"Babe?" I look up at her. "Yes baby" "Do you want kids?" I thought about it. "I've never really thought about having kids, but I've always loved them and I'll be more than willing to have kids with you." She smiles that pretty smile of hers. "You have the first two and I'll have the next two." she says. "You want four bad ass children Janet" She laughs loudly. "I really want a football team but I'll take four." I just look at her. She want two big head ass kids to come out of my pussy. "I'll do it because I love you" She smiles widely.

"You hungry baby" she asked. "You already know I am Jackson, all that sex got my stomach on E" She pouts. "I thought I filled you up babygirl" I shake my head and chuckle at her. "You did indeed, but I need actual food lil daddy" She tilt head to the side, "Lil? Ain't nun lil bout me shawty" I bussed out laughing. "Alright Lil Jay Jay" We both rolled over in laughter.

We sat at the table eating. It was silent, we were to busy stuffing our faces. It was 10 at night. We haven't ate since last night. I realized that I have to tell Janet about my past. I want her to be the first to know because she means a lot to me and she should know, what type of insecurities she's dealing with when it comes to me.

I put my fork down and looked at her. She's so beautiful. I fall in love with her every day. "Janet?" "Yes baby, what's wrong ?" she asked with a concerned look. "I think we should talk...about my past" She takes a sip of her wine. She walks over grabs my plate and take our plates to the kitchen. She comes back and grabs my hand. "Come on" I grabbed her hand and she led us to the balcony. "It's beautiful out here Jackson" She smiles and looks at me. "Not as beautiful as you" I blushed hard as hell. I'm a sucker for the corny shit.

"So are you ready to talk" she says as she sits down. I took a deep breath. "So umm..I had a horrible relationship with Stacey." I took another breath. Janet wraps her arms around me.

"At the beginning it was amazing. She was everything I could ask for. She was cool with my family, she treated me right...she made me feel alive. One day...something in her snapped. She started being verbally abusing because she thought I was cheating on her. I would never cheat on anyone I want to be with. We would fight like cats and dogs. I would try to hide the bruises from my sisters but of course they peep everything. They wanted to kill her, but I wouldn't let them. I was so naive. Stacey would apologize and tell me she was going through something." I looked at the sky. "She did something to me so horrible." My eyes became teary as I think about what happened. "She had me kidnapped, tortured and raped by a group of men. It was the most terrifying thing in the world. I never would've thought she would scoop that low. All because she fucking thought I was cheating. I ended up pregnant, but I lost the baby because Stacey wanted to fight every chance we were around each other. I had a miscarriage at only two months. A few months later, I caught her in bed with a man. She claimed she was just "experimenting" with me. Come to find out she was cheating for months with different man and women. When she kidnapped this time I wasn't as scared because I was put through worst. I lost myself but I found me again."

I looked at Janet and seen tears streaming down her face. She lifted her hand and wiped tears off my cheeks that I didn't know were there.

"I'm so sorry Toni, baby I would never put you through that, I wish I would've met you sooner but I can't question God's plan. You want me to kill her ?" she says pulling me onto her lap giving me a tight hug." I chuckled at the last part because she sounded a little gangsta. "It's alright baby, I'm fine. I haven't told anybody what really happened except you." Janet holds me close to her as I rest my head on her chest. "I love you Toni" "I love you more Damita" She chuckles. I rarely call her by her middle name. That might change now. "Forever" "Always"

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