Chapter 7

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March 6th, 1992

Toni and I have been together for almost a year now. Our anniversary is in a couple of days and I couldn't be more excited. Everything is going amazing with us. We both been busy with our careers. I got a movie and album I'm working on. She's still the sexy and best beautician around. Oh yeah, she met Anita Baker and damn neared fainted. Ms. Baker also overheard my baby singing and suggested that she sings "Love Shoulda Brought You Home." My baby killed that song. It made me bring my ass home when I listened to a copy of it in the car. Anyway I'm currently sitting in my living room with Tina and Gil. Gil is one of my new dancers for my tour and he's also became one of my bestfriends. He's a crazy ass Hawaiian. Him and Tina get alone perfectly.

"Bitch why you so happy?" Gil asks. I smiled thinking about what me and my baby are going to do for our anniversary. She told me I couldn't plan anything because she's got something planned. That's okay though because I bought her a bunch shit, so jokes on her. "She thinking about diving into Toni's ocean." Tina says. I playfully roll my eyes. "Fuck the both of you, yall always in my business." They looked at me and bust out laughing. "Dunk it's our job to be in your business the fuck." Gil says. "We know it's been a minute since you had some pussyyyyy, that's why yo ass be killing us at practice." he adds. Thinking about it has been months since me and Toni did anything other than kiss. I am a little frustrated. "I need to be on yall asses, this tour will be here before you know it." I snapped back. "Whatever." they say at the same time.

As we sit and talk, my front door opens. "Jackson where you at baby?" Toni's voice flows through my home. Her voice is so sexy and its sexier when she's moaning my name. See I definitely got blue clit. Like blue balls. Yall get my drift. "I'm in here babygirl." Toni walks in the living room looking sexy, she has one of my old tour shirts on with some jeans. She comes and sits in my lap and kisses me. "I miss you daddy" I smile. "I miss you more princess" We all sat and talked for a few more hours. I realized how Toni matches Gil and Tina's craziness. They all gone give me hell for years to come. "Aww baby you frustrated?" Toni asks me smirking. "Unless you gone fix it don't ask about it." I say with a smile. "Alright Jackson, don't get fucked up in front of yo people." "Please fuck her up, she been acting like she got a stick up her ass lately." Gil says. "Right she need that lil cat ate asap." Tina adds. "Alright its getting late, time for yall to step." I say. "Bitch it's Friday, we aint got shit to do." Gil says. "You said your lil boy toy was coming over tonight." Tina says. "Oh shit you're right, ouu and he the one with the big dick too, let me bounce." We laugh at him as he gathers his stuff. "Bye bitches." he says as he hugs us all. "Bye ladies, see you at practice Monday Jay." Tina says. "Alright see you guise" "Bye crazies" Toni and I say. I closed the door and turn to Toni. I bit my lip looking her up and down. I watched as she starts gathering her stuff. I frowned at the act. "Toni where you going?" I ask. She looks at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry baby, I got a client coming early in the morning." she says. "Stay the night baby,please." I pleaded. "As much as I want to I can't babe, we both know I won't get any sleep, it has been a while since we, you know." she says as she blushes. I love how she's so innocent on the outside but freaky as hell on the inside. "Ok baby, Ill see you later, I love you." "I love you more Janet." "Always." "Forever." We share a passionate kiss then she leaves. After my shower, thinking about how happy Toni makes me. Nothing can go wrong.

March 12th, 1992

It's finally me and my baby's anniversary. I'm so excited and nervous. Excited because I'm about to put it down on her and nervous because I don't have not one idea on what she has planned. She told me to be ready at 8, so that's what I'm going to do.

I did some cleaning just to make time go by faster. I looked the time and it was 5:30. Time for me to get ready. I took my time in the shower then got and lotion my body. I put on this tight black dress with black heels. I hear a knock on my door. I look at the time and see that it's exactly 8. I take one last look in the mirror then grab my clutch and Toni's gifts. I opened the door and there stood a tall, black man in a suit. "You ready, Ms.Jackson?" "Please call me Janet and yes I am ready."

I've been in the back of the limo for half an hour, then we came to a stop. The door opens and I'm met with a beautiful site. There were lights everywhere and perfect view of the beach, but nothing was more beautiful then the woman walking towards. Toni Braxton. "Hey baby, Happy Anniversary !" she squeals as she jumps in my arms. I chuckle. "Happy Anniversary babygirl." I say looking in her eyes. I squeeze her waist and she lets out a soft moan. Yeah it's been way too long since we've been intimate. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a much needed kiss. She slips her tongue in my mouth and I suck on it causing her to moan. She slowly pulls away and clears her throat. "Come on daddy, let's it." She grabs my hand and leads me to a candle light dinner on the beach. I fell deeper in love.

We sat, ate and talked for what felt like hours. I love this, we're still the same after all this time. This wine kicking and I'm getting aroused by every word she says. "You look beautiful as hell tonight baby, I'm sorry I didn't mentioned it early." she says in a sultry tone. By now my panties are soaked, she's been making me wet all night. "Not as beautiful as you babygirl." I say with a low tone. At this moment, we just take in each other's beautiful. I see lust fill her eyes and I know mine are filled with it too. "Let's get out of here"

I pushed opened the bedroom door as me and Toni heads bob back and forth fighting for dominance. At this point, we're stripped to our lingerie. Toni pushes me on the bed. "I think I should finish what I started a little over a year ago." I knew exactly what she was talking about. She teased the fuck out of me and left me high and wet. Not dry. Wet. She leans down to my ear and says, "Let me please you daddy." I nodded my head rapidly and say ok. She climbs on top of me and kiss me passionately. She begins sucking on my neck, leaving love marks as I moan and grip her ass. She takes off my bra and panties. She let her hands roam my abs as she takes one of my breast in her mouth. I moaned at the warmness of her tongue. She moves her hand into my panties and feel my wetness. "All for me daddy?" she says huskily. That just made me wetter. "Yes baby all for you." With that she slides two fingers into me as she rub my clit. She speeds up and my moans become louder. "Fuck baby...just like that." Soon I feel her tongue on my clit and she moves her fingers in a come here motion hitting my spot. I roll my eyes and bit my lip to keep from screaming. "Don't hold it in baby, let mama here you, hold these." she says and gives me my legs. Before I could say anything, I felt her tongue inside of me. She moves her tongue all through me. She comes up and kiss me sloppily tasting myself on her tongue. She begins to rub my clit with the palm of her hand and I feel that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Babyyyy I'm about to cum !" She slides three fingers in me and sucks on my clit harshly. "Let it go daddy." I shake then release on her fingers. I stared at the ceiling panting. As I close my eyes I feel her tongue back inside of me. No sleep tonight.

The next morning, well afternoon I was woken by loud knocks on my door. I look at Toni as she sleeps peacefully in my arms. I got to bring Strawberry out on that ass soon, the way she put it on me last night and this morning. I kissed her forehead and slide out of bed putting on my robe. "Damn my legs hurt." I get downstairs and opened the door. When I opened the door, I stood there in shock. "Mariah what the hell are you doing here?" I ask. "Baby I miss you, I know you miss me too." I looked at her like she head two heads. I know this bitch tripping. "What the fuck would i miss your toxic ass?" I ask. Before she could say anything I heard a soft, sultry voice. "Baby you ok ?" "Yea ba-" Mariah interrupts me. "Janet who the fuck is this?" Before I could say anything. "Bitch who the fuck are YOU? Because I'm her girlfriend the one that fucks her real good and makes her happy" Oh lord she done got Michelle started. "Mariah you should leave and never come back." Before she could respond I close the door in her face. I turned to see Toni looking at me squinting her ass. She walks up to me slowly. "Janet Damita Jo Jackson, I don't know who you take me for but don't have bitches popping up at yo house while I'm here or ever, I will fuck you and that bitch up." That turned me on but I ain't gone let her see that. "First of all, I don't be having bitches popping up nowhere, that was my toxic ass ex, I haven't seen her since she kissed me at the New Years party in '89. Second of all, talk to me and get the information straight before you try to check me babygirl." I snapped back stepping closer to her looking down in her eyes. She bites her lip and pulls me into a kiss. I instantly picked her up. "Damn daddy take all your frustrations out on me." I take her upstairs and starting making love to her. Little did we know that we were being plotted against.

Shit bout to get crazy just to warn y'all 😂

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