Chapter 9

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March 18th, 1992

The weekend flew by after everything that happened. I still have no clue who would want to ruin Toni and I's relationship. We don't bother nobody and do our thing. We already sexually frustrated, them lil quickies ain't enough. I be craving for more, but we're really busy with our careers.  I'm honestly not worried or complaining because I know me and my baby will have time to ourselves and when we do, she gone be crippled for a couple of days. I just finished a scene on the set headed to dance rehearsal.  Tired not even the word right now.

A couple of hours into rehearsals, the door opens and heels click on the floor.  Everyone gasped as my back was turned away from whoever walked in.  "BITCHHHHHH!" Gil screams.  I swear that's that fool favorite word. "Gil, why the he-." I turned away and see my beautiful girlfriend walking towards me. She looked breathtaking. She had on a crop top, jeans with a few cuts, and heels. Of course she got some shades on. My baby fine as fuck yall.  "Hey babygirl, what you doing here?" I say licking my lips, looking her up and down. "Oh nothing, I just wanted to come watch yall rehearse." She pecks my lips. "I would be all over you right now, but you sweating and this fit can't get messed up, you still look good daddy." she says eyeing me seductively. I chuckle. "Alright you been hanging with Tamar too much." She just laughs and shakes her head. "Alright everyone, let's get back to it." Tina says.


I've decided to come to Janet's rehearsals today because I missed my baby and I'm observing. I know her, Tina, and Gil not focused on that right, so I am. One of these motherfuckers in here shady and Ima find out. I sit with my shades on looking at everyone dance. They're good as fuck. My bady looks good dancing, sweat dripping and shit. Damn I should've brought Tamar, her lil ass good at peeping shit out. Can't get nun passed her. Anyway, I keep looking around trying to see if anybody looking at my baby funny. Everybody seems to be having fun and not acting strange. I go back to looking at Jay, damn she so sexy. To say I'm sexually frustrated is an understatement. We have quickies but I crave for moreeee. We never seem to have time. Our anniversary night was the first in a long time that we were able to make love to each other. I honestly want her to fuck the shit out of me right now. That's not why we're here Toni. Get it together.

A towel hit my face snapping out of my thoughts. "Baby!" I know this fool didn't just throw a sweaty ass towel in my face. "Janet, don't be throwing shit at me." I say with an attitude. She walks over to me wrapping her hand around my neck pulling me into her. "Drop the attitude before I fuck you up in front of these people." she says sternly looking me in the eyes. A bitch is soaked. I bit my lip and nodded. She pecked my lips. "Come meet the 'Kids'." She grabs my hand pulling me towards them. "Alright baby, this is Sean, Cynthia, Shawn, Omar, Tish, Jennifer, Kelly, Nikki, Jossie, and Tam. You already know Gil and Tina. Yall this is my babygirl,Toni Braxton." "We know who she is, the baddest hairstylist out." the girl, Tish says. I laughed. "Nice to meet you all, I hope yall keep my baby in check while yall on tour." I say. "Her ass is whipped,you got that good good Tone." Tina says. Everyone ooo's and ahh's. I blush and Janet just stares at me licking her lips.

After a few more hours of their rehearsals, we all leave. "Bye you guise." Me and Janet say. Janet walks me to my car. Even though she's sweating and shit, I let her pull me into her by my waist. "When am I going to see you again love?" she asks. "I don't know baby,I got a busy schedule this week and so do you." She signs. "I know mamas." "Babe why are yall rehearsing so early for the tour when it starts at the end of next year?" "You know I'm a perfectionist, I recorded the album, but you know some changes might happen, so I want to have at least most of the choreography done and the band can have some to work on." she says looking a little stressed. My baby is tired and stressed out. I'm going to try to clear my schedule next week, so I can cater to her. Not sex, she'll be too tired for that, but some intimate stuff. "I understand baby, how's filming coming along?" "It's going good, that nigga Tupac funny as hell." she says laughing a little. "I bet you know that's my boy." I chuckle. "I know you blasts Brenda's Got A Baby so damn much." she laughs. "How's being the baddest hairstylist going?" she asks."Good, tiring, but good. Oh! Me and Face doing another song on the soundtrack for the movie." She smiles wide. "For real ! What's it called ?" "Give U My Heart. After I finished Love Shoulda Brought You Home, he asked me to hop on the song with him. We working out the tweaks and stuff." I smiled. "You should drop an album baby real shit, your voice is amazing, shit its better than mine honestly." she says. I blushed. "Thanks baby, and who says I'm not working on one." I smirked. "I better be the first to hear it too." she says kissing my neck, I moaned. "Babe, what's on your window?" I turned and look at the paper on my windshield.

"Janet looks sexy dancing, doesn't she? Too bad you won't get to have her for long. Enjoy your time while you have her." she reads out loud. "Babe there's a note on your windshield too." I say grabbing the paper. "Toni will be mine! I hate how she drools over you even when you're a sweating mess. Enjoy her sexy ass while you can because soon she'll be mine." I read aloud. We both looked at each other. We're not only dealing with one but TWO psychopaths. Aint this some bullshit.


Who y'all think plotting against the Braxton-Jackson clan ?

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