Chapter 11

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October 26th, 1992

It has been exactly four months since my love went missing. I've been looking for her since then. I went to the police station for weeks. I didn't have any leads. Her car is gone too, so they assumed she just went on a vacation by herself. That's some bullshit. My baby missed her 25th birthday, I had some special for her. The first two months of her disappearance, I postponed work just to look for her. I became extremely depressed. Michael convinced me to go back to work to get my mind off of bad things that could be happening to my baby. I pray every night that God brings my wife home, that's really my soulmate.

"Janet, where are you honey?" I hear my mother call me. "In here mother." She walks in my room. "Baby, these the only two songs you've been listening to since she disappeared. I had 'Love Shoulda Brought You Home' and 'Give U My Heart' on repeat just to hear my baby's voice. It makes me happy while trying to drown out that she's not here with me. I wanted her album, but Kenny said he promised her that I couldn't listen until it's completely finished. Ugh! I just want my baby. "I know mother, hearing her voice just keeps me going." "Janet she's coming back sweetie, just keep faith, I know how much you two love each other." Before I can speak Mama E walks in, "Aww Janet sweetie how many times have you played these songs?" "Only a few times." "Hey Kat." "Hey Eve." Apparently they knew each other when they were younger. They both hugged me, telling me that everything would be fine. God please bring my wife home.

After the mothers left, Gil, Tina, Kenny, and Tracey came over. "How you holding up Jay?" Tracey asks. "I'm making it, I just miss her so damn much." I say getting teary-eyed. "Aww Janet." they all say pulling me into a group hug. I burst into tears, this is my first time crying since she disappeared. I was trying to stay strong for her sisters whom I grown close to over these past few months. The young girls couldn't take the pain of their sister being gone and I've completely understand, even Mikey took it hard.

After I finished crying, I get a phone call. "Hello." "Its good to hear your voice Ms. Jackson." I looked at the phone confused. "Who is this?" Everybody stops what they were doing turning their attention to me. I put the phone on speaker so they can hear. "Well love I'm the one who has Toni." Everyone's on their feet now. "What do you want?" "Oh I don't want anything from you, but my partner does." So there is two of them. "Well what do they want?" "SHE wants you Ms.Jackson." I looked confused. "Me? Why?" "Who wouldn't want Janet Jackson to theirselves. Enough chit chat, I'll call back in an hour with details on where to come." Before I could speak they hung up. I immediately called me and Toni's siblings, we need a plan and fast.

We're currently sitting in my living room waiting on the phone to ring. I was pacing back and forth, when suddenly the phone rings, I immediately answer putting it on speaker. "Ahh Janet, you will be mine soon baby." This voice is different from the first one. "I guessing you're the other psycho that wants me?" I ask sternly. "I've always liked when you get mad baby." she says. "Bi-." I cut Tamar off, covering her mouth. I mouthed, "No." She just squints her eyes. "Man, whatever just tell me the details." "You need to be at this address in three hours. No police." I write down the address she gives me and hang up. "We need a plan yall." Kenny says. "Right." Everybody says. "Girls yall know what we got to do right?" Mikey says as he stare out the window. "Yea." his sisters say with unreadable looks in their eyes. Leaving the rest of us in the dark, they tell us to follow them to Toni's house.

When we got to the house, we followed them to Toni's studying hall. Mikey pulls a book off the shelf and it opens, revealing a shooting range and a bunch of girls and equipment. Damn my baby really gangsta, I see Hood Toni really about what she says. "Before my parents had us, they were real deal gangstas, nobody fucked with them, when Toni was born they changed to keep harm away. When I was about five and Toni was eight, they started teaching us how to shoot.Toni was a natural...she never misses." Mikey says. I gulped, remind me not to get on her bad side. "Don't worry Janet if she shoots you, she'll hit them kneecaps, she loves you too much to kill you." Tamar says causing everybody to laugh. "Anyway, we were all taught to shoot and defend ourselves, especially when something likes this happens." I'm lowkey excited I haven't shot a gun in a while.

"It seems like we all grew up the same way because our parents taught us how to defend oursleves too." Mike says. We all nod in agreement. "So yall just Braxton-Jackson Mafia huh?" Gil says with Tina, Kenny, and Tracey nodding their heads. We laughed at them," I guess so. Now let's go get my wife." I say as I pick up a Llama .32.

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