Chapter 12

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October 26th, 1992

I have no idea how long I've been here, but my patience running thin as fuck. They don't tie me up anymore because they done tortured my ass so much I can barely move. I don't even feel the pain anymore. My mind gone, I just want to leave. These are some sick fucks. I don't honestly understand how the one that "loves" me beat and torture me more than the other one that wants Janet. I'm honestly just tired. Janet probably moved on from me. They told me the police stopped looking for me. Once somebody goes missing for so long, people assume that they are dead. I'm full of cuts and bruises. I know I'm ugly now. I feel disgusting. They did everything, but rape me. I guess God still got a little love for me. If I ever get out of here, I pray Janet would have a heart and stay friends with me because I know once she looks at me, she's not going to want to be with me. 

"Looks like your little girlfriend is coming." the one who "wants" me says.  I just looked at her, not really believing her. I have no idea who either one of these woman are, but I do know that they are close to me and Janet.  I just can't wrap my mind around it.  They haven't slipped up one time.  "You will finally be with me my love." she says. I huff. "In your dreams, sweetie." She laughs and leaves the room.

Later they both come and drag me to the middle of the warehouse. They have masks on so I can't see their faces.  They've been good at hiding their faces and disguising their voices.  I haven't eaten in days, so my body is definitely not a sight to see.  Soon the doors of the warehouse opens.  "Glad you could join us Ms. Jackson." I looked up so fast it hurt. I started crying, she actually came. She looks daddyish as fuck, dressed in all black with shades with a straight face.  I couldn't see her eyes, I wanted to see them so bad so I know it's real.  "Baby.." she whispers walking towards me. "Uh uh Jackson, you belong to that one over there." These bitches stupid as fuck if they think my wife going anywhere. My wife? That down sound bad at all. I'm so weak I couldn't even stand to run to her. "Toni, it's ok babygirl, we gone get out of here. These bitches tripping." she says. Damn she sounded real hood. That's not the Jackson I know. It kind of turned me on. While they stood staring, I see me and Janet's sisters, Tina, Tracey, and Gil  through the window then I turn my head a little to see Mikey, Janet's brothers, and Kenny. They're all dressed in black. They came deep as fuck, just to save lil ole me. Aww I feel loved.  My adrenaline begins to rise, me and my sisters definitely tag teaming these hoes.


When I walked in, I see Toni all beat up, she got cuts and bruises all over her body.  I wanted to breakdown and cry, but I kept a straight face. I called for her and begin to walk towards her, but one of these bitches stopped me. I'm tryna be cool, but I'm just about to shoot these hoes. They trying to bring Damita out, but they not even ready for all that.  I stared at Toni. I missed my baby so much, I'm looking into her beautiful orbs. My baby.  She begins to look around and she notices our family, when she looked back at me, her whole demeanor changes.  I can't read it, but it can't be good. "Yall gone stare or show yall faces." I say with venom in my voice. "Why the rush sweetheart, you already know who we are." one says. "Then why yall hiding behind masks and disguised voices and shit!" "Mh I can't wait for you to take that anger out on me." the other one says. I just blankly looked at her.  These hoes testing my patience.

Not even gone lie, this some freaky as shit.  These bitches done hurt my lil sister mane. I'm ready to kill. I'm looking around and I see like 10 niggas.  They all posted up around the building. I'm assuming they can't see us. I looked over at the girls and they peeped them too. "What the fuck." Jackie whispers. My thought exactly. "Yall we gotta figure out a plan asap." Marlon says. "We could just start shooting." Randy says. "Hell no, stupid they can hurt Toni and Dunk." Mike says. I nodded in agreement.  "Yall see that?" Mikey whispers. We looked at the men and they were moving towards the building. Aw shit.

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