Chapter 6

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March 12th, 1991

Janet grabs my hand and leads me into the dining room. The sight was beautiful. I didn't believe Janet when she said she can cook. Baby threw down in the kitchen.  I wish I was here while she was cooking I would love to see that view. I'm surprised I haven't jumped her bones yet, she's so tempting at times.  I must have a lot of self control because lord knows I be wanting to do things to her.

"How's the salon?" she asked as we ate silently. "It's good as hell, you threw down with all this food girl." I exclaimed.  She chuckles lowly.  That turned me on.  I don't know if I'm horny as hell or she's just sexy as fuck, but everything she does lately been turning me on. "Babygirl?" I subconsciously say, "Yes daddy". I covered my mouth as soon as it slipped out. Aw hell I know my face is red as a tomato right know. "Daddy?" she says with a smirked. "Drop it Jackson." I say sternly. "I'm trying to make you drop some else." she says huskily looking me straight in my eyes. We stared at each other a while before she broke the silence. "Umm I wanted to talk to you about something." I was getting nervous. I don't know why though. "Um ok, what is it ?" She stands up, walks over to me and takes my hand. "Come walk with me." I just nodded and followed her lead.

We make it outside to a beautiful garden. She sits me down on the bench. "Um Toni, we've been knowing each other for almost a year and it feels like years honestly. I've never been so intrigued by someone in my life. From the day I laid my eyes on you, I knew you would change my life for the better. I'm saying all of this because I've enjoyed your friendship and I want to always have that bond. I also want to take things farther with you. Toni, baby I'm in love with you. I want to continue to be the one that makes you smile and blush and just bring you happiness so with that being say." She pulls out a ring. I almost pass out. My eyes are watery.

Are we ready for marriage we haven't even dated yet. So many things running through my head right now but I know in my heart that I love her so much, so I'm with whatever as long as she's with me. "This isn't an engagement ring but I promise you'll have one in the long run. This is a promise ring. I promise to always love you and be by your side. I promise to always be your friend even if we go our separate ways. I promise to always cherish your heart. I promise to marry you one day." She looks me deep in my eyes as she says this. God I just fell deeper in love with her. "So Toni Michelle Braxton, will you be my girlfriend ?" The tears are flowing in now. I never knew I can love someone so much. "Of course Janet, it would be my honor." She slides the ring on my finger and kisses me passionately. I deepened the kiss by grabbing her head and sliding my tongue in her mouth earning a moan. Wow I'm really in a relationship with Janet Jackson. I get to have all of her anytime I want. We both pull away for air with love and lust in our eyes.

"Come with me babygirl." She grabs my hand and leads me back in her house into her room where I left her last time. I was lowkey wrong for that but eh she's always teasing me first so I had to get her back. Right ? Right.

She grabs me by my waist and kiss me, she deepens the kiss and licks my lip for entrance. As we fight for dominance she picks me up and lays me on the bed. She begins sucking and licking on my neck leaving marks, earning low moans from me. She stops and looks me deep in my eyes, a look I've never seen before. "Can I have you ?" she says. Nodding my head I say, "You can have all of me." With that she kissed me again and start to lift my dress up a little. I lift my hips to help her out a little. She begins playing with the seam of my panties and it's bothering me because I'm yearning for her touch. "Baby.." I moaned.

That's must've turned her on because she groaned and said "Yes my Queen ?" If Prince Charming was a lesbian it would so be her. Now I'm drenched. "I need you. I need you inside of me." I whined a little mostly a moan. "I'll see what I can do babygirl, sit up." I do as she says. She takes my dress off then my bra and panties now I'm on full display for her. She stares at my body which makes me a little nervous. "Turn over and lay on your stomach." she says as she bit her lip. I again do as she says. I feel her hover me and kiss my neck. Then she takes her tongue and lick from the tip of my back until the small of my back. Drenched not even the word anymore. If she could get me pregnant I would let her in a heartbeat.

Soon I feel a warm liquid on my back, I realized it was some type of oil as she begins to massage me. Not going to lie I needed this massage. I've been so busy and stressed lately. As she massages me, she take me out of my thoughts. "I know you needed this baby, you're so tensed let daddy help you unwind." Ugh just fuck me already. "Not tonight babygirl, I'm making love instead of fucking." Damn I said that out loud. "Turn over." I turn over and we stare into each other's eyes. She trails my body once again. She pulls oil on my stomach and begins to massage my upper part. When she gets closer to my sensitive spot I moan. "You have a nice body Michelle." I bit my lip at her and stare. She doesn't understand how wet I am right now and she's not making it any better. "Thank you, can you take off your clothes ?" She smiles and takes off every piece of clothing ever so slowly.

Pacific Ocean is that you ? She turns back up with what she was doing. When she massaged between my thighs, I shut my legs shut as i feel a warm liquid ooze out of me. Oh my she just made be cum. "Don't those pretty legs yet, I'm not done baby." she whispered in my ear. She nibbles on my earlobe then kiss me on my lips. She takes her tongue and start as my neck sucking and licking then to my chest leaving marks. She then takes one of nipples in her mouth and I instantly moan. While showing my girls love, I feel her hand creep down to the place it's shouldn't been months ago.

She begins to rub my clit slowly, my moans pick up. At this point I'm throbbing and I need her inside. I rock my hips some trying to get her fingers to my entrance. She comes up and kiss me as she still plays with my clit. "Be patient princess." she says looking me in my eyes. "But daddy.." I say in a whisper moan. "You're not the only one wet Toni." With that she slide two fingers in me catching me off guard. My breath hitches. As she slowly begins fingering me I start I start to moan.

She peaks up the pace and I moan louder. "You're so tight baby, it's been a while huh ?" I grabbed her face and stuck my tongue down her throat. "Shut up and make love to me Jackson." She went down and begin sucking on my clit as she fingers me faster. I felt that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Baby I'm about to cum." I moaned louder. "Hold it." she demands. With that she speed up her fingers and sucked my clit harder. I can't hold it anymore. "Jan-baby...please I can't hold it." I screamed. "I said hold it princess." As my eyes roll back, I felt her tongue enter me. It was long and thick, I know i was going to buss any minute now. "mmmmmm..fuck baby I can't Jan-oh my god let me cum."

All she did was suck and lick on me. At this point I'm in tears. "please.." I begged. She just pulls my legs up by my head and stick her tongue farther into me. My body begins to shake uncontrollably. "Cum for daddy baby." she says against my pussy. As soon as she said that, my eyes rolled back with nothing coming out my mouth as my liquid flowed on her tongue. I'm panting rapidly as I rode out my high on her tongue. "Damn Jackson." I say tiredly. "Uh uh, I'm not done with you baby, I'm making love to you all night princess." Jesus help me, I barely survived the first orgasm. With that Janet and I made love all night long.

I'm hella late, I'm be honest, my ass fell asleep typing this. I didn't know I was that tired. I hope y'all in enjoy tho.

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