Chapter 13

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July 14th, 1993

I haven't talked to Toni since November and it's killing me.  Nobody talked to her except Face and her family and they barely talk to her.  She stopped doing hair and disappeared. She even moved, like what the fuck Toni.  Her album dropped yesterday and I been listening to it nonstop. I cancelled rehearsal today just to listen to it all day. Everybody's been asking about her, like where's she at, did getting kidnap change her, did she leave me for her kidnapper like a bunch of bullshit. She just left me a note saying she'll be back one day and she loves me always. Man I miss her so much. Why would she just leave me like that? I'll never understand. I guess it's not meant for me to understand. I just pray she's ok and she's doing good.

"Jay you ok ?" Gil asks. I nodded my head looking at pictures of me and Toni. I'll never stop loving this woman man. I can say that I'm absolutely in love with her and whenever she comes back, I'm going to marry her. Not before we talk though, I feel like it's a lot she hasn't told me yet. "You sure Janet?" Tina asks. "Yeah you guise, I'm fine, I just really miss her, I know she'll come back one day. She probably just needed time away, she did go through a lot." I say understandingly. "What about you Dunk ?" Gil asks. I gave him a confusing look, "What do you mean?" He shakes his head, "Don't get me wrong, I love Toni, but she wasn't the only one going through something in this relationship, you were too. You held in pain and tears for so long when she went missing. You became really depressed. I just feel like yall needed each other the most when she came back. Yall should be together right now getting through yall pain together." Tina nods in agreement, " He's right Jay." "I know, I know, but I understand her, everybody deals with things differently. We definitely going to talk when she gets back because her ass not leaving me again." I say rolling my eyes.

8:30 P.M.

These idiots got me out at a club on a Wednesday. Why did I agree to this? I'm not gone lie, it's jumping in here. I'm enjoying myself with the 'Kids', then the DJ plays a remix of 'How Many Ways'. I damned neared cried hearing my baby voice. "Y'all gotta jam with me with this one, Ms. Braxton and Kels did they shit, plus we got the great Janet Jackson in the house
tonight, let's get it."the dj says. I'm dancing with Gil and the 'Kids'. They're tryna cheer me up, which is working, they've been great at keeping me sane.
Soon I felt hands around my waist and a voice I haven't heard in so long starts singing in my ear. "1, 2 I love you." she says. I turned away so fast. I hugged her and sing, "3,4 so much more." I started crying. "I missed you so much Toni, you just don't know how much I love you girl." I pulled back. "Where the fuck you been, I've been worried sick about you Michelle." Everybody in the club are looking at us. Either smiling or shocked. "I'm so sorry baby, I just needed time Janet." she says playing with her fingers. I want to be mad, but I'm just glad she's back and right now I just want to love on her. I pulled her into me by her waist and kissed her, she wraps her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. I pushed my tongue in her mouth causing her to moan. I picked up her up by her ass. I don't care if people are watching, I miss my babygirl. She pulls away, panting. "Janet, baby people are watching." she moans as I kiss on her neck. " I don't care let them." I hear cheers as I continue what I was doing. "So y'all just gone fuck on the dance floor." I hear Gil say. "We might!" I yelled causing everyone to laugh. Toni blushes and hide her face in my neck. I put her down still holding her waist. "You know we got a lot to talk about right ?" I asks. "I know baby, I know." she says as she hugs me.

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