Chapter 18

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December 25, 1993

"Toni ! Hurry up baby we're going to be late!" I was upstairs getting dress. Janet and I's families are having Christmas dinner at the Jacksons Residence.  I plan on telling my family what I went through with Stacey.  I know I should've been told them and it's Christmas, but I'm just scared of their reactions.

My family can get real ruthless and I honestly don't want the blood on our hands. Stacey not even worth it. Karma a bad bitch, she'll catch her soon.

"Baby" I turn to see Janet standing before me. I must've zoned out, I didn't even hear her come in. She looks good. I bit my lip staring her up and down. I don't know, but I've been really horny lately.

She clears her throat, "You like what you see babygirl ?" I blushed at the pet name. I'm convinced she'll always have that affect on me. "Yea I do, let me show you" I push her on the bed and climb on top of her, kissing her deeply. "Mm Toni we have to go baby" she says in between kisses.

I pouted and got off her. As I walk out the bedroom door, she pulls me into her. "I got you tonight mama, relax" she whispered in my ear. That sent chills down my spine. I nodded my head and continued walking.

We pulled up to the Jacksons' Residence. Ouu chile, this shit big as fuck. They got giraffes and shit in the backyard. We got out the car and headed for the front door.

Before we could knock, the door swung opened. "What the hell took y'all so long, I'm ready to eat and mama said we had to wait on y'all" a frustrated Mike asked. I chuckled at how aggressive he was because he's usually so calm.

"Whatever Mike, we here ain't it" Janet says pushing passed him, dragging me along. He scoffs and closed the door. "Yo ass better not be late again" "What was that ?" Janet asked. Mike stayed quiet. "Oh I thought a lightskin nigga with curly hair said some" I fell over laughing. That shit was funny, even Mike was holding in giggles. His goofy ass.

"Fuck you Dunk, I'll still take yo girl" We both cut eyes at him. "Ion know about that partna, you cute and all but Janet just..." I trailed off biting my lip. "Mike we both know my dick game better than yours and mine not even attached to me" I covered my mouth to keep from laughing. They be doing each other so wrong with the comebacks man.

Before he could say anything, our mothers came. "Janet, Toni what took y'all so long ?" Mama Kat asked. "Mother Toni kept tryna take my goodies" I look at Janet with wide eyes with my mouth slightly opened. Mike is laughing his ass off. Damn she really did me like that.

"No I wasn't Mama K" I whined. I hit Janet, "Stop trying to get me in trouble punk" My mother laugh at us, shaking her head. "Y'all act like children" "That's her !" We both yelled.

An Hour Later

I cleared my throat. "Um y'all I have something I want to let off my chest. This is mainly for my family, but I see you crazy Jacksons as family too." Everyone chuckled lightly. Janet rubbed my knee and kissed my cheek. "Um so like I was saying, I have something to get off my chest, the news is fairly old, but I failed to tell you guise about the things I really went through with Stacey. I tried to hold it in, but all it has done is broken me." I wiped the falling tear from my eye quickly.

"When Stacey and I first got together, it was amazing.  That woman had me on cloud nine, until one day she didn't. She started abusing me, not just physically, but verbally too, which caused emotional abuse. The abuse started when hell when she started cheating, at that time I didn't know she was.

"Toni ! Come here !" I rushed to the living room. "What's wrong baby, why you yelling ?" She slapped me, causing me to fall. I'm confused as fuck. In shocked, I sat there and looked up at her with tears in my eyes. The look in her eyes was different, a look I've never seen before. I knew at this moment that wasn't the woman I fell in love with. "Bitch, have you lost your mind, cheating on me ?" I look at her confused as fuck. "Stacey, I didn't cheat on you, what are you talking about ?" She charged at me, but I wasn't about to let her just beat on me, especially if I ain't do shit wrong. I'm Tina in the back of the limo.

"That night, was the first night of many fights. I know the girls peeped the bruises, but I wouldn't let them hurt her. I was so naive, even when she continuously hurt me, I wouldn't let anyone hurt her. But she did something so low down, it became bigger than just her accusing me of cheating."

"Damn why it want to start raining right before I get in the house." I got in the house, threw my jacket on the coat hanger. I tried to cut on the lights, but they wouldn't work. The power must be out, I thought. As I headed upstairs, I was pulled back forcefully. What the fuck. I hit my head hard on the bottom stair. I could barely open my eyes, but when I did there was six bodies standing around. "This will teach you not to cheat on me, my beautiful Toni. Before I knew it, my clothes were being ripped off of me. I fought them off the best I could. Soon I felt a pinch in my neck and everything went black.

"I woke up the next morning sore and emotionless. I couldn't feel my body, I was numb. I went to the doctor two weeks later and found out I was pregnant. I thought about aborting the baby, but it wasn't she/he's fault. At the same, I knew I was miserable. I guess since I didn't know what the men looked like, his features in the baby wouldn't trigger me as much. My genes kind of strong anyway." I chuckled softly, trying to lightly up the mood. Everyone just smiled at me lightly. "So umm two months later, I had a miscarriage because of all of the stress I was going through plus all the fighting with Stacey. That same day, I found out Stacey was really the one doing all the cheating.I packed up all my things and never looked back"

I stood up to leave as I felt myself about to breakdown. Janet quickly got up and hugged me. Soon I felt other pairs of hands, wrapped around us. I broke down right there. It actually felt good, letting that pain go.


It's been a minute since I updated, ain't it ?

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