Chapter 10

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June 26th, 1992

It's been a couple of months since me and Janet received those notes. Now we get silent phone calls and the shit is starting to piss me off. Like bitches really scary, hiding and shit. Like this some real creepy shit. At this point, I want to fight, I aint lying man. Me and my baby already dealing with our own shit. We both sexually frustrated, plus we barely see each other and lately when we do see each other, we're arguing over small shit. We're both so tired and stressed. All this hard work gone pay off though. Boomerang dropping next month, I'm working on my album while still doing hair. It's actually finished, I just got to work out the tweaks with Face. My hair status is high as fuck now, so almost every celeb at my neck about doing their hair for movies, photoshoots, interviews etc. Janet needs some serious head no lie. Sometimes I just laugh at her when she starts petty arguments, it turns me on when she's mad honestly.

I'm currently at the shop putting the finishing touches on Angela Bassett's hair. YES BITCH ! ANGELA BASSETT ! This my girl right here, she know she can act her ass off. "TONI !" Everybody stopped what they were doing to see an angry Janet walking towards me. I gulped, I've never seen her this mad before, so this can't be good. Wait, what the fuck am I nervous for, I aint did shit. "Hi everybody." she says sweetly. "Toni, office, now." she says sternly as she walks to the back. Everyone looks at me with questionable looks. I just throw my arms up and shrug shaking my head walking to the back. Shit, I don't know what she's pissed about.

As soon as I closed the door, Janet pushes me against it. "Toni what the fuck is this ?" She showed me picture of me and my ex. I gulped, I never got the chance to tell her about my past relationship. She just knows that Stacey was using me as an 'experiment'. Which is true, but that's not the full reason we broke up. "Uh that's me and...m-my ex." I say nervously. "What the fuck ? You been cheating on me with her ?!" I looked at her crazy. "What the hell Janet, no baby I would never cheat on you." She looks pissed as fuck. "Why this shit look recent Toni !? Don't lie to me because I will fuck you up in here." she says sternly. I was turned the fuck on then she got me backed up against the door, all in my personal space. I keep a straight face though. "That picture was taking years ago, way before I met you babe, I love you Janet Jackson, I would never cheat on you!"

"Somebody mailed me that shit, saying that you were cheating on me and this was proof." she says still a little upset. "And I love you more Toni, that's why I was so pissed at you because I love you with everything in me and if you do me dirty, Ima be so hurt bruh." she says with tears in her eyes. I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her into a hug. "I love you so much baby, I know we haven't been our best lately with everything that's going on, we gone be alright baby, ok?" I say looking deep into her eyes. She kisses me pinning my hands above my head. I moan as she slips her tongue in my mouth. I instantly get wet as her hands roam my body. Damn now that I'm thinking about it, we haven't did anything since our anniversary. No quickie. No nothing.

Janet picks me up carrying me to the desk in the office. "You locked the door?" she says in between kisses. I nodded, biting my lip as she finds my spot on my neck. "Mh ba-...sss right there." I moan. She takes my shirt off and I do the same to her. We take our pants and panties off. "Get all the way up there." she says aggressively. "Damn ok daddy." She gets on the desk with me. I'm glad this a big ass desk. She throws her leg over mine and connect our cores. This shit feels good. "F-fuckkk." "Damn babygirl." we moaned as Janet grinds against my wet core. She picks up her pace and I grab the edge of the desk, biting my lip trying to not scream. "Uh Uh let me hear you baby." she says, panting. "Baby it's people in there." I moan. "I don't give a fuck, let them hear how good I fuck you." she says picking up the pace throwing her head back moaning. Damn her moans are so sexy.  She's a sight to see I swear.

"Yall ok in there?" I hear Towanda say on the other side of the door. "Towanda leave them alone, Janet putting it down, so Toni can stop acting like a bitch. I hear Traci say. I'm beating her ass later. "B-babyyyy." I screamed coming unexpectedly. "I didn't tell you to cum mamas." Janet says as she pulls me to the edge of the desk. She immediately attached her lips to my clit. "JANET!" I screamed. I was still sensitive from the orgasm I just had. "I told yo ass about coming before I tell you to." she mumbles against my clit looking me in my eyes. With her talking like that she gone have me coming again without her permission. Without warning she pushes her tongue deep inside me. "Ja-baby....mmmmm wait, da-please let me cum daddy." I moaned loudly. "No, now be still." she say sternly.

I walked out the office with a slight limp. "She got you limping sis, well I'll be damned." Tamar says. I glared at her as Janet comes out. I'm glad I finished Angela's hair right before Janet came in here. "I'll see you later baby, I'm staying over tonight." "Ok baby, I love you." I say as I tongued her down. I'm definitely craving for more after our lil session. "I love you more Toni." she says as she breaks the kiss. I watched as Janet walks out. " How does it feel to be loved by Janet Jackson sis. " Towanda says. I blushed. "Amazing.." I trailed thinking about how wonderful Janet is. "Why was she angry earlier?" Trina asks. I sign. "So yall know how some psychopaths been leaving us notes and silent phone calls?" They all nod their heads. "Today Janet got a note in the mail with a picture saying that I was cheating on her." They all looked shocked. "What the hell, a picture of what?" Traci asks. "Me and Stacey." I say with a huff. They all tilted they heads so hard, they are definitely my sisters. "Stacey?" Tamar asks. I nodded, "Yea, yall know ion fuck with Stacey AT ALL." My sisters, Mike, nor my parents know what I went through with that woman, nobody does. I'm going to tell Janet tonight because it's start to become overwhelming and I want her to know everything about me even if it's traumatizing. I'll have dinner with my family and tell them over the weekend.

We lock up the shop and head home, as I was headed to my car, I heard someone walking near. My ass ran to my car, got in and locked the door. It was dark as hell outside and ion play that looking around tryna see who there shit. Nope I watched too many thrillers. As I was driving, I felt metal against my head. I immediately stopped the car as my heart rate picked up. "Do as I say and you won't die." the voice says. Fuck. "Put the car in drive and follow my directions." I just nodded. God be with me.

After an hour, we arrived at an abandoned building. "Get out." the person says pointing the gun at me. I do as they say and get out the car. They soon get out and take the keys out the ignition. The person had on all black with a hoodie. It had to be a man because they were tall as hell and buff. "Walk." he says sternly. We walk inside the building. He takes me to a room and tie my hands together along with my ankles. This nigga definitely was in boy scouts before with the way he tied these knots. He walked out the room when he finished. Great.

What felt like hours went by, two people dressed in black came in the room. They stood in the dark part of the room, so I couldn't see there faces. "We told you and Janet that this would happened, I want you and my partner here wants Ms. Jackson." one of them says. Their voice was disguised, so I couldn't figured out who it was. I looked closer and realized that they were women by the shape of their bodies. I still couldn't see their damn faces. "You're going to be here for a long time Ms. Braxton, enjoy." the other one says. The disguise voice was different from the other's. With that they left the room. Well fuck, I'm hungry, horny, and lowkey scared, but once I get loose and find out who they are, me and my sisters tag teaming them. I lay back on the mattress. At least this is clean, shit actually the whole room is pretty clean to be abandon. They must've cleaned up the room and shit before kidnapping me. I drifted off to sleep thinking about my baby, I pray she's ok, "I'm coming back baby, I promise." Thought today was a good day.

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