Chapter 19

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December 2, 1996

"Janet, hurry the fuck up !!" I rush upstairs to help Toni. Every since the beginning of the pregnancy, she's been causing straight hell. Like her attitude is terrible. I can't wait til her 6 weeks recovery is up, I'm gone put her ass to sleep for a couple of days.

Oh let me catch y'all up. Toni and I are happily married. Going on two years to be exact. The wedding was small with our family and friends. It was beautiful to say the least. About a year ago, we decided we wanted to start a family. We went through the whole process. Toni wanted to carry the first born. I was all for it.

"JANET!!" Oh yeah, her water just broke. "I'm here baby, relax for me ok" She cut her eyes at me. I gulp. "Damita Jo, this is your fucking fault" I looked at her crazy. "How is it my fault!" She starts tearing up. "You put this baby in me and don't yell at me pussy!" I just stared at her blankly. The sex can't be that good.

I helped her in the car and rushed to the hospital. "Excuse me, my wife's water just broke can we get some help !" Nurses rushed right to our side.

"Jackson did you call everybody?" I nodded as I looked at her. She's only a couple centimeters away from dilating. I stare at her, thinking about all of the things we've been through. I'm glad God sent her into my life. She's everything I could want and need.

"Oh lord my sister look so tore up!" Tamar loud ass came in the room and rushed to Toni. "Tamar get the fuck out my face" I muffled my laughs as Tamar gave her a stank face. "Damn bitch who pissed in your yogurt" Toni just rolled her eyes at her.

"Janet what you do to my sister?" I held my hand to my chest. "ME ?! I haven't did anything but love her, she's been like this the whole pregnancy" Toni looks at me with a pout. "What you tryna say babe ? I've been horrible ? I just get so emotional and angry. I didn't mean to make things hard on you Janet. I'm sorry, I..." I cut her off. " Babygirl, it's ok. You're pregnant with our son. I know pregnancy isn't easy mamas. I love you." I held her cheeks as I kiss all over her face.

Everybody made it to the hospital. Now we just talking and waiting. "Janet?" I looked at Toni. "Yes mamas, what's wrong?" She blushes. Ahh that never gets old. "Nothing, I just want to say that I love and appreciate you" Now it's my turn to blush. I kiss her cheek. "I love you more"

"Fucckkkk!" Everybody jumped up as Toni screams. "Get the doctor now !" The doctor comes in and check. "Alright I'm need some of y'all to step out, she's ready" He calls in some nurses. I sit behind and kiss her head to help her relax a little bit.

"Jackson ima kill you" She's always threatening me. "Baby what I do" She cut her eyes at me. "You-AHHHHH!! GET THIS THING OUT OF ME !! Mommy it hurts !" "I know baby relax" Moma E says, kissing her forehead.

"Alright Toni, gives us a big push hun." I held my wife's hand as we were about to welcome our baby boy into this world.

I stood next to the crib watching our son sleep. Damn we really got a son. He's perfect. A mixture of me and Toni. I can tell by the way he sucks Toni's nipple, he gone be a fat ass just like her.

"Janet who the fuck is fat ?" I looked at Toni scared as fuck. Did I say that out loud ? "Nobody baby" "Mhm Ill fuck you up in here Jackson" I went over and kissed her lips. "I love you Toni" "I love you more baby, what's wrong" "Nothing I just appreciate you for giving me love and my son"

She smiled and kissed me. We were tonguing each other down, when our family bust into the room. "If y'all wake my baby up I'm cutting everybody" Toni said through gritted teeth.

"You dropped my nephew and STILL mean as hell, Jay in six weeks I need you to wear her out" Everybody laughed at Tamar stupid ass. Everyone gushed over our new addition to the family.

"So what are y'all naming him" My mother asked. I looked at Toni. "Antonio Joseph Braxton-Jackson" I smiled her. "Two Toni's, oh lord" Towanda says. "We can call him AJ" I smiled at Mike for the gesture. "AJ, I like that"

I looked around the room at my family, holding different conversations. Everything feels so right. I couldn't ask for more. "You ok baby ?" I kissed her lips. "Yea babygirl I'm fine"

The End...

Sooo sequel anybody ? 🙂

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