Chapter 14

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October 6th, 1993

Its been a couple of months, since I came back. Janet and I still haven't really talked, we been trying to get me back in the groove of things. I'm doing hair again, I'm getting closer with my family. I still haven't told them about my past relationship with Stacey. Speaking of that, her and Shawn are in jail. We started to make they asses disappear, but they not even worth it. I'm currently at the shop. I just finished my last client's hair.

I get home around 9:30. I took a shower and fixed me something to eat. After I finished eating, I start watching Poetic Justice. My baby did good in this movie, I get sad every time the part where she cries comes on, because I know those tears are real and they were caused by me. I went missing around the time she filmed that scene. Speaking of my baby, I haven't heard from her all day. I miss her. I pouted and picked up the phone to call her. I call and get no answer. I guess she's busy. Her tour starts next month and y'all know everything has to be perfect. Soon I fell asleep in the middle of the movie.

I squirm feeling wet and a sensation, I know I'm not having a wet dream. I look down to see Janet in between my legs nibbling on my clit. "Baby..w-what are you doinggg" I moaned. She didn't say anything instead she opens my legs wide as fuck, made eye contact with me and gave a long, wet lick to me my pussy. "F-fuckk." I gripped the sheets as my eyes rolled back. Without warning, she pushed her tongue deep inside me. I bit my lip, trying not to scream. "What I told you about that?" Janet asks, still making eye contact with me. "I-Im sorry daddy!"I moan as her tongue went deeper. Janet pulls her tongue out and spit on my pussy. That's the sexiest shit I've ever seen. "Damn.." I mumble. She pushed her tongue back inside me going deeper than before. My jaw drops, making the 'o' shape. She literally got a bitch speechless. I tried push her head as she flicked her tongue inside of me, only getting my hands stuck in her hair. "Mhmm..r-right there baby fuckkk" My eyes roll back as I arch my back cumming all over her tongue. "S-shit" I pant trying to catch my breath, that was soon over as she slides two fingers in me sucking on my clit. "H-hold on b-baby..slo-slow down baby..yesss right there daddy!" I screamed as she hit my spot over and over again. I begin to shake as I reached my peak again. "JANET!" I cum again feeling sleepy as hell. She comes up and a kiss me pushing her tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms and legs around her pulling her closer. "Goodmorning babygirl, Happy Birthday."
Toni is sleep right now. I came over last night, but she was knocked out. I seen she was watching Poetic Justice. I can't watch myself on screen, I get too embarrassed. Anyways, I decided to sleep in the guest room and wake Toni up with an early birthday present, which put her ass right back to sleep. It's been so long since we did anything sexual like that. I cleared both of our schedules for a week. I'm about to cater to my baby and fuck her guts out. I'm excited. We still need to talk, but we can do that later. She'll tell me when she's ready.

I'm currently cooking me and my baby some breakfast because I know she'll be up soon. I got pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, grits, waffles, strawberries, pineapples, pears etc. We definitely exercising when we finish this. "Baby?" I turn to see Toni coming downstairs in her robe. "Hey baby, I didn't hear you get up, how'd you sleep?" She wraps her arms around my waist, "I snuck in the bathroom just in case you tried to get me again." she says referring to the event that took place this morning. "And I slept like a baby." I turn around a kiss her, "Not my fault, we ain't been getting it in and you know once I get started ion wanna come up." I say with a smirk, gripping her ass. She moans. "Stop Jackson, I'm hungry." she whines. "I am too." I licked my lips and picked her up. "Mmm Janet put me down I'm still a lil sensitive." she moans. I just laughed and put her down in a chair and fixed her plate. "You might as well get ready T baby, you meeting Strawberry." She looks at me with wide eyes. "Now Janet, you doing too much, I've never met her but I know she can't be good on my body." she says. "Oh she'll be good doing the occasion, but after you gone be bent out of shape babygirl." I whisper in her ear. I feel her shiver a lil bit. "The world just think yo ass is so innocent." she says rolling her eyes. "Not after that album dropped." "Mhm Ms. Anytime Anyplace." I roll my eyes playfully, "I'm bout everything I speak too lil girl." We finished our food in silence.

"Ooo fuckk Janet, I can't take it baby." "Yes you can." "It hurts baby." she moans. "Toni just do five more squats baby." I'm making Toni workout with me. Yes I'm making her workout on her birthday. We ate all that food and this tour coming up, not finna be breathing hard on stage. All Toni ass do is jog, she need to workout with me for now on. We finish our workout and shower. Toni laying on me tryna make me watch me and my brothers show. "Toni, you know I get embarrassed watching myself." "Babe you look so adorable tho." she says pinching my cheeks. I blush, see now I'm embarrassed. She always make me feel all vulnerable and shit. "Oh yea princess, I cleared our schedules for a week and you staying at my house." I say tryna find something else on t.v. I'm letting her chill for right now because she gone need all her energy tonight. "Ok baby, let me go pack some clothes." she says getting up. "For what, you not gone be wearing clothes." I say nonchalantly. She laughs, "Alright Jackson, you can't handle me anyway." I looked her at like 'girl please'. "Girl I will eat you alive, literally." I say eyeing her. "If you say soooo." "Bet. Wait until tonight."

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