Chapter 5

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March 12th, 1991

Toni and I have grown closer since my birthday last year.  It's like I've been knowing her my whole life.  She's really a beautiful person inside out.  Even though it's been about 11 months, we haven't done anything sexual, hell I haven't ask her to be my girl yet.  I know I should've been did that, but I love our friendship honestly. I want to be her homie before anything. Of course ima flirt, duh. Can you blame me tho ? Exactly, but anyway I'm taking her out tonight to finally ask her to be mine. 

I'm currently at the jewelry store with Kenny and Tracey. I've known Kenny for years and I've grown to Tracey since she got with Kenny. They make a beautiful couple honestly.  They're helping me pick out a promise ring for Toni. I want tonight to be special for her.  I thought about taking her out, but I want to cook and cater to her instead.  I know she's been hella busy lately, so I know my baby needs a good ass massage....and head.
"Damita!" I snapped my head so quick. "Kenny what the hell ! Don't be saying my name like that, I got people looking for me." He raised his eyebrows. "Who the hell looking for you Janet ?" I huffed. "They not looking for Janet, they looking for Damita, so piped all that down lil daddy." Tracey chuckles. "I swear y'all act like old ass brother and sisters." We both smacked our lips. "So!" we said. Then we all bust out laughing. "Come on Jay, pick a ring." Tracey says. "I'm trying." I whined. "I want it to be something special for my baby, she deserves the best." I say glancing at the rings. "Awwww you in loveeeee nigga. Kenny says. "Shut up Kenneth, leave her alone, it's ok to be in love, don't act like you ain't whipped." He huffs. "I mean you do got that whip appeal." I chuckle at them. "I can't take y'all nowhere man." I say as a ring catch my attention. "Wow." I said in amaze.

"This the one you guise

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"This the one you guise." I say smiling hard as hell. "Yea, that's the one sis." "You getting some pussy tonight." "KENNETH!" me and Tracey yelled drawing attention to us. "Can I-Oh my God, you're Janet Jackson and Babyface!" the woman yells. We laughed. "Yes we are, I actually want to purchase this ring if you don't mind." I say. "Oh of course not, I'll get it right for you." she says as she hurries off. "She was kind of cute." Kenny says. "Let's see how cute she is when my foot up your ass." she snaps. This man trying to die, he always playing like Tracey won't cut his balls off. I just chuckled at them.
Soon the lady comes back with the ring. "Is that all Ms. Jackson ?" she asked. "Please call me Janet and yes that'll be all."
I paid for the ring and we left. Kenny and Tracey wished me luck as my driver drops them off. I made it home and decided to call Toni. She answers after the third ring. "Wassup babygirl, how's your day going ?" I can tell she's blushing over the phone. It'll never get old. "It's been a day I guess, I just finished up a client. Is there something you need Jackson ? she asked. "For you to be a my house at 8 butt ass naked." she laughs. "Why do you always talk out of line?" she giggles. "It seems to make you laugh and wet, so why the hell not ?" The line went silent. "You still there mamas ?" I asked. "Yea, yea I was just thinking." "About..." I trailed. "Us". she says. I smirk. "Well you can tell me more over dinner tonight at my house." "Oh shit you were dead ass about coming over." she asked shocked. "Yes baby, now be here at 8." I say lowly. "Ok Jackson, you better cook some good because I'm bringing my appetite." I laughed. "Of course, bye see you tonight, lo-. Uh bye. I hurried off the phone. Damn I called her baby which I never do then I almost told her I love her. I mean do I love her ? Nah, she probably doesn't feel the same, so I shouldn't either. But...I do love her though. Ugh !

Janet hung up before I could say bye.  I think she almost told me she loves me. I'm probably hearing things, but I wished she would've because God knows I love her. To say I'm scared is an understatement. I know she's not my ex, but I'm too scared to open up my heart right now. Stacey did some very evil shit to me, I know I said we broke up because she claimed I was an experiment, which is half true. It's deeper than that, only Kenny, Tracey, and my family knows what went on between us.
I looked at the time and seen it was 6:45. Damn I've been in the shower since 5. Funny how time flies when you over think. I stepped out the shower and got ready. When I finished it was 7:40. Oh shit, my ass gone be late. I hit 90 the whole way to Janet's. I was lucky the laws wasn't out tonight. That would've been a hell of a ticket.
I knocked on the front door, waiting. When the door opened I was speechless. "Damn." we both said lowly. Janet looked good as fuck. She dyed her hair brown and giving me late 70s vibe. ( Janet in MM). "You look beautiful babygirl." she says huskily.

Great now I'm wet

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Great now I'm wet. "Not as good as you daddy." I say biting my lip. I swear horny Toni is a different Toni. She getting ate up tonight I don't care. It's been a long time coming, and she's definitely going to be cuming tonight. She undressed me with her eyes as says, " Is that right mamas ? Come on in and show me then." I walked in and she closes the door behind me. I instantly attach my lips to hers as I wrap my arms around her neck. She grabs my waist and I deepened the kiss, slipping my tongue in earning a sexy ass moan for her. She picks me up and my dress rises as I wrap my legs around her waist. She has my back against the wall as she licks and sucks my neck. She begins to grind against me. Ok we got to stop because whew chile. "Jay baby, we got to stop." I moaned. She ignores me and continues with what she's doing. "Daddy..." I trailed. She groans and stop. "Why can't I just make love to you?" she whines. "You love me ?" I asked. She blushed then says, " We should eat dinner then talk later, I got something important to tell you." I just nodded my head. Tonight is going to be long.

I ain't gone cap, I'm tired asf. Y'all almost didn't get this chapter, but I appreciate and love y'all support.
I didn't check for mistakes so I'm sorry in advanced.
Shit gone get juicy as the story unfolds.
Not before our favs knock the boots tho 😝
Lol, thoughts ?

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