Chapter 2

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April 4th, 1990

It's been 3 months since that encounter with Janet. I couldn't get her out my mind. Every day and night I'm thinking of her. During the party, she got pulled into a kiss by some girl. I quickly went to find Face and Tracey. When I found them in a room upstairs, they were damn near naked. I called their driver so he could take them home. Soon after their driver came I dipped.

I'm currently sitting in the studio with Face, fooling around with sounds and beats. I have a bunch of songs I've wrote that need to be tweaked a little bit.  I still don't feel like I would be a major artist honestly.  I mean I know I can sing, but there are a lot of artists who are better.  Maybe I'm thinking too hard on it.  That's my problem I overthink way too much.  Face was telling me about this movie he was supposed to be writing a song for. The movie doesn't come out until 92, but it's slowly coming into works.  I zoned out a little bit while he was talking.

"Toni Michele Braxton, I know you hear me!" he yells. I just stared blankly at him as I slowly came back to reality. "My bad Face, what you said." I say. "I was saying the song is for Anita Baker, you know that's your girl." he says. "For real !! You think I can meet her when y'all start recording ?" I yelled. He covers his ears laughing. "Yes T, you know I ain't gone not let you see your idol." he says.

Once me and Face wrapped it up at the studio, I head to the shop for my 3 o'clock appointment. I know it was a celebrity, but Tamar, my little sister, wouldn't tell me.  I don't know why I let her lil bad ass work with me. She's the most outspoken thirteen year old I know.  I should've asked my other sisters, but I knew they were busy with their clients.  I get to the shop at 2:45 and began preparing for my client. As I was laughing and talking with my sisters and clients, the shop door opens.  Guess who walked through ! Janet Damita Jo Jackson ! Don't ask how I know her full name, I did my research and if you a real fan, you should know. Anyway, everybody in the shop stops what they were doing and stare. Aw man, she's blushing, ugh so fucking cute.

"Can y'all asses stop staring at her! Everybody knows she don't like that shit" Tamar yells. Everybody turns to her. "Take your lil bad ass in the back and get me some more shampoo. And if you curse again I'm going to tell mommy, you know she'll put that holy oil on you!" Towanda yells. Everybody burst out laughing as Tamar stomps to the back. Everybody went back to their conversations as I stare at Janet. We made eye contact and she bit her lip. She's so sexy, Jesus be a fence ! She broke eye contact and started pulling her ear while looking down at her shoes.

I walked over to her. "Hey I'm Toni Braxton, you must be my three o'clock." I say as I extend my hand to shake hers. "Yep, that's me, I'm Janet Jackson by the way !" she says as she take my hand in hers. As soon as she touched me, sparks flew and a chill went down my spine. We just stood there staring into each other's eyes. "Oh I know who you are Jackson, who doesn't." I giggled.  She has the most gorgeous eyes. They're so big and brown She started to roam me with her eyes and I do the same. Is it hot in here because I'm hot, y'all hot ? Soon someone cleared their throat. We instantly let each other's hand go as we look and seen Tamar standing there. "Y'all gone stand there and undress each other with y'all eyes or get to business." Tamar says. I glared at her while Janet begins to giggle. What the hell, even her giggle is cute. "She's cute." Janet says. " Thanks, she's my lil demon seed sister." I say. I introduced her to my sisters before we began.

"So what do you want did to it today?" I asked. Damn she got a lot of hair and it's thick, our kids gone be good and I got a lot to grab. Stop it Toni, you barely know her. "Surprise me babygirl." she says with a smirk. "Oh alright." I say. Now why she had to call me that now I'm hot and bothered. "Don't move around too much sis, you don't want your clit to get hard." Traci whispers to me. I looked at her wide-eyed and she walks off laughing. See that's where Tamar gets that shit from. Shaking my damn head, I'm going to tell mommy on them. Holy water gone be in full affect.

"What made you want to be a beautician?" Janet asked while I was washing her hair. "Honestly, I like making people smile, when I finish with their hair, they always leave with a big smile on their face and that makes me feel accomplished and makes my heart smile." I explained as I smile thinking about all the women that left the shop smiling. "You never thought that maybe they left smiling because a sexy ass beautician just finished rubbing her hands through their head?" she asked. Oh she's smooth, a real charmer. I blushed and looked away from her. "Come on Jackson, let's get you under the dryer." I say leading the way. I stopped abruptly which caused Janet to bump me from behind. I spun around with quickness. "I'm so so-." I began to say. I lost my train of thought realizing how close we were. Damn she smell so good, I know she taste even better. Toni Michele get it together. I looked up into her eyes. " It's ok love, I'm quite clumsy myself." she says. Well can you slip and fall in between my legs. Ok I need to be checked. This woman is making me lose all my sanity. I walked away quickly as she gets under the dryer.

Janet and Tamar are having a conversation as I put the finishing touches on her hair. "So you like my sister or something because you sholl was flirting hard Ms. Jackson." Tamar says. I glared at Tamar and gave Janet an apologetic smile. Janet laughs and says, " Please call me Janet and I mean she is quite beautiful and she seems very passionate, I wouldn't mind getting to know her more." My heart is literally jumping out my skin. "Well you're all done Jackson." I spun her around so she can see the results in the mirror.

" I spun her around so she can see the results in the mirror

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"Wow Toni, this looks good as hell girl." she says with a wide smile, showing all her pretty teeth.  God she is so beautiful. "I'm glad you like it Jackson." I say with a pleasing smile. "Like ? I love it babygirl and I don't mind you putting Ms. in front of Jackson sweetie." she says with a smirk. Why is she doing this to me ? I bit my lip and cleared my throat. "I think Jackson is just fine." I say. She just smiles and hands me money and walked out the shop quickly.  I soon realize why she ran away so quickly, she gave me two grand, which is way more than what I charge. This woman I say with a smile then I looked closely and seen a white slip. I pulled it out and seen a number, her number.

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