Chapter 3

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May 5th, 1990

Waving at the crowd, I exit the stage. My adrenaline was pumping and it never felt better. It's something about performing that's makes me so excited. It's definitely something I love to do. As I go to my dressing room, my mind drifted off to Toni. That woman is so damn beautiful. She been on my mind since the party. Just as we were about to meet, my dumb ass ex kissed me. I'm still trying to figure out how she get in my house. I got a restraining order on her ass after we broke up. She was acting all psychotic and shit. I was definitely not something I was amused by. By time I kicked her out, Toni was gone. I've actually been crushing on her since I heard about her. That was early last year, when Michael and Tina told me about her.

" What are you day dreaming about?" I turned around to be face with Tina. She's one of "The Nation" dancers and my bestfriend. "You know what I'm day dreaming about T." I whined. "Oh HER, Dunk you haven't even seen the pussy yet and you already whipped." she says. I looked at her with wide-eyes. "TINA! Why do you always have to be so inappropriate?" I yelled. "Bitch shut up, you know you be having inappropriate thoughts about her." she says. "So, but that's nun of your business." I said with my arms folded. "Girl, you're my bestfriend, you are my business." she explains. "Whatever, you ready to go." I asked. "Yeah, to the tour bus we go." she says. As we get settled on the bus, the others start up a conversation. I drifted off thinking about Toni. That day at her shop, I wanted to kiss her so bad. She looked so good working. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her passion, her beauty....that body. She's so perfect.

I've been on the Rhythm Nation tour since February. Last month I decided I wanted to see Toni, so right after my show in Detroit, I hoped on a plane going to Atlanta. I didn't mean to leave so quickly but I had a show in Bloomington the next night. I did leave two grand with her. But knowing how sweet she is, she would've gave it back. It's something about her that makes my heart skip beats. I feel like a teenager in high school crushing. I usually don't flirt, but around her she makes a different side of me come out.

Tonight was the last show until the 17th, my birthday is on the 16th. I wonder if I would hear from Toni before then. We finally made it back to the hotel. I said goodnight to everyone and head to my room. I packed since I'm going back to Atlanta tomorrow. After I finished packing, I shower and got in bed. I thought about Toni until I fell asleep.

                                                                         May 16th, 1990

Today is my birthday and my family are at my house terrorizing me. Every year my brothers and sisters do some weird dumb "birthday" prank on me. It was Michael's idea to start this stupid shit. "Dunk come here!" I hear Mike yell. If they do anything to mess up my hair, I'm going to be pissed. As soon as I walked in the living room, I was hit with a bunch of slime. " Happy Birthday Dunk!." they yelled laughing. I stood there shocked and mad as hell. They done woke up Damita Jo. "I'm going to fuck all of you up, mark my words." I say calmly. Everyone stopped laughing with looks of fear in their eyes. "Oh shit, she's mad for real." Jermaine says. Everyone took off running out the house. Punk asses.

As I got out the shower, I hear my phone ring. "Hello." I say. "Happy Birthday baby" my mother says. "Thank you mother." I say. "You know you can't kill your brothers and sisters right?" she asked. "Why not?" I whined. She chuckles. "They must've messed up your hair?" she asked. "Yes they did." I say thinking about how I'm going to get them back. She chuckles again. "I got to go sweetie, enjoy your birthday, mommy loves." she says. "I love you too." I say as we hang up. After that I got a call from Tina, Jimmy, Terry, and the rest of the crew, wishing me happy birthday.  They were all packing for the tour in Asia.  The show for tomorrow got cancelled, so we're leaving tomorrow. We were only going to be there until the 23th.

I really didn't do anything, but watch movies and eat popcorn for the day. I looked at the clock and seen it was only 6.  Damn it's still early, maybe I should step out tonight.  As I was thinking, I got a call, I looked at the caller id, but I wasn't familiar with the number.  Something told me to answer anyway. "Happy Birthday Jackson." I heard a deep, sultry voice say.  I soon realized it was Toni. My heart began to race. Her voice was so sexy. I shifted in my seat. "Thank you babygirl." I say with a smirk.  I swear she make my dominant side come out.  "You're welcome Jackson." I know she's blushing. I noticed how hard she blushes when I call her babygirl. It's so cute.  "What are you doing tonight?" she asks.  "Nothing that I know of, I already packed for Asia leg of my tour, now I'm just sitting here watching movies."  I say. "Its your birthday, you need to get fucked up J." I chuckle at her statement. "What do you have in mind beautiful?" I say in a seductive way. The line was quiet for a few minutes.  "You okay babygirl?" I ask. "Umm yea, uh I'm actually not in Atlanta, so what I have in mind can't be arranged right now." she says.  "Where are you?" I ask. "I'm in Los Angeles for a hair show tonight." she says. Damn I wish she was here. She could've been my birthday dinner with her sexy ass. "Are you in it?" I ask. "Of course, you know your girl got to show out." she says excitedly. Did yall fall in love because I think I just did. "That's good babygirl, I know you're going to blow them away." I say proudly. "Thank you Jackson, hey listen I got to go but when we're both free maybe we can hang out." I smiled at her statement. "Of course, Ill be back in the states on the 23th and won't have a show until June, so I'm free doing that time other than a couple of rehearsals." I say. "Okay let me know the day and time and I'm there love." I smiled at her calling me love. " I got you babygirl." We said our goodbyes and hung up.  I have to make her mine.

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