Chapter 1: Captured

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Her team left her.

She sprinted while she still had adrenaline pumping through her blood. Her heart pounded in her ears, and her lungs ached, desperate to get enough air in just to fucking make it around the next corner and into an alleyway. From there, she could hide amongst the darkness until he passed over her.

The uproar of explosions was beating against her eardrums, announcing his quick, aerial approach. Please just let me make it to the alley. Her legs throbbed, but she still ran, ignoring the cracking of her ankle. He had to have been blasting himself only at his average speed, going easy on her. He ricocheted himself against the buildings, hot on her tail, and probably right above her now.

He knows I'm about to give up.

Her body darted around the corner, making it to a dingy alley. It smelled like cigarettes and piss. She will never forget that.

She will also never forget the heavy stomp of Ground Zero landing himself on his feet in front of her, further into the alley. It looked like something out of a horror film; his former crouching-position from his landing steadily being raised to his proper posture to reveal a menacing height. (Y/N) was frozen, eyes widening as reality dawned on her.

This is it. I'm done for.

(Y/N) got a quick glance of his face before abruptly spinning around to run out of the alleyway, like a bunny trying to escape a wolf. He didn't look happy, per say, but she had also heard that his face was just like that. Right before she managed to escape the alley, she heard a particularly large blast, and suddenly, his gloved hand was wrapped around her arm in a mean grip, almost cutting off her circulation instantly. His body moved before she could react, and he threw her to the ground like a ragdoll. (Y/N)'s head slammed against the concrete, and her spine went rigid as she spit up a copper bile from the impact. Ground Zero towered over her pathetic body with her arm still in his hand, and he placed each of his legs by her sides.

"Y'know, I don't know why you fuckin' villains always like to come to my ward with petty fucking crimes that can be solved by a low-tier hero," Ground Zero yanked her arm forward, making the girl cry out in pain. Her face was frozen in a panic-stricken gaze as she was jerked up, causing her and Ground Zero to be nose-to-nose.

"You understand that, bitch?! You are not worth my time," he spat at her in a low tone, speaking to the girl as if she was dumb. He had to have been taking advantage of the fact that she had yet to fight back.

Could she even...?!

He didn't wait for a reply before shoving her back to the ground. "C'mon, use your quirk. Make it at least a little more of a fair fight," he taunted her. (Y/n)'s breathing was erratic as she realized he was toying with her, similar to a lion playing its food; she was a live antelope, and he was a hungry beast. (Y/n) tried to distance herself from the vicious hero, but he continued to close the space between them. A terrifying sight, really; Ground Zero, the #2 hero, an intimidating frame towering over a cowering girl. Except, she wasn't a girl to him.

She was a villain.

(Y/n) fumbled with her leg, half exposed because of the rips in her outfit, and pulled out a knife she kept concealed on her thigh. She briefly recalled falling in love with this knife a few weeks back — it was new. Sharp. Discrete and dangerous. However, that was a foreign feeling, and as she firmly gripped the blade's handle, she realized just how fucked she really was. The knife was but an embarrassing needle compared to Ground Zero and his menacing gear — modified to withstand fights of all kinds, and that includes small, ridiculous knives.

Ground Zero seemed to know this, too, as an amused look briefly passed over his intense gaze.

"If you're gonna stab me, then try," he stated calmly, his loud voice filling the emptiness of the grimy alley. "But, just know that you're giving me an excuse to hurt you."

(Y/n) glared up at him, still pointing the knife toward him. Her lack of a response must have counted as some type of answer because before she could decide whether or not, or even how, to attack him, he grabbed ahold of her wrist, snapping in the other direction, making her drop the knife. Her wrist cracked audibly, and this time, she let out a bloodcurdling scream as she tried to push Ground Zero away with her other hand.

He grabbed her other wrist easily, as her movements became less and less strategic the more she panicked. He twisted her body and pressed her front into the gravel roughly before taking both of her wrists in one of his hands and pinning them behind her back. His knee was jabbed into her spine, and he used his other hand to further press her face into the ground.

"Use your fucking quirk, bitch," he commanded, already bored of this one-sided fight. His patrol had a distinct lack of excitement today, and he was aching to release some of his pent-up adrenaline.

(Y/n) could only respond by crying. Tears cascaded from her eyes, and she sobbed loudly. This seemed to only piss the explosion hero off more.

"I said, use your quirk," he said lowly, detonating a small explosion on the hand holding her wrists. She cried harder and began thrashing underneath him.

"I cant!" She finally answered through her tears, her voice dry and rough. "I can't use a quirk! I'm quirkless!"

Ground Zero's grip on her loosened slightly upon hearing her answer. Fucking great. He had done all of this to this useless villain looking for a proper fight, and it's just his fucking luck that she'd be quirkless. His hold on her returns to its previous intensity.

(Y/n) peered up at Ground Zero through his fingers which were roughly pressing against her face. He seemed to be thinking. She wished he could think quicker, he's fucking heavy! Her rapid breathing began to slowly return to an only slightly-panicked pace as she waited for him to speak again.

"Want me to turn you in?" He asked, his tone a little less bad-tempered. Only a little, though.

Of fucking course not! What kind of question is that...!

She began wriggling underneath his hold again, afraid of what her fate may be if she stayed any longer.

"Fuckin' relax," Ground Zero shouted. (Y/n)'s squirming ceased, and she was starting to wonder why none of the civilians on the main road were trying to help her. However, this was the Ground Zero, after all. People probably view it as him doing his heroic duty in saving them from villains like her.

"Do you want me to or not?!" Ground Zero demanded an answer. "You'd better answer quick, because one press of this button on my belt calls the cops right to my location," he jeered. He released her head and brought his hand closer to the button he was referring to, threatening to press it.

"No...!" (Y/n) yelled, turning her head the best she can in her current position to see her captor. "No, please don't, Ground Zero...! Please, I—" Her begging was cut short, as she saw the hero removed his hand from his belt.

"Talk about fucking pathetic. You caved so easily," he sighed. Tears continued rolling down (Y/n)'s cheeks as she stared up at the intimidating man behind her.

"You're coming with me," Ground Zero said, as he yanked (Y/n)'s limp body up by her arm. (Y/n) cried out, her injuries screaming at her to treat them. Ground Zero noticed, but he didn't seem to care. Thankfully, though, he was yanking her in-tact wrist.

(Y/n) tried to pull her arm out of the hero's strong grip. "No, no, please...! I don't want to go to jail, please!" She sobbed, snot dripping down from her nose. Ground Zero rolled his eyes.

"If you don't want to go to jail, you shouldn't be doing villain shit!" He shouted back at her, making her cry harder. "I'm not taking you to the cops, anyway."

(Y/n) stopped pulling and looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes. "Wh... Where—?!" She started, but Ground Zero interrupted.

"You're coming to my place."

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