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A/N: Rewrite is here! Hope you enjoy it! Though I think I'll be releasing only a few chapters for now. No promises though :D

Laughs and giggles filter the air, three children are seen playing with each other as they ran around the grassy field. Everything was peaceful as the three played with each other.

"Come on!" A high-pitched voice called out, "We're gonna miss it if you two keep falling behind." This was a girl, half of her hair was black while the other was white, she seems to be the youngest of the three.

"You don't need to be so pushy about it! Geez!" The boy whined who had a certain hair color, "Come on, brother. She will be mad if we don't hurry up."

The boy beside him giggles, "Yeah, yeah." He calmly ran up to catch with the girl as his brother stayed close behind him, "This only happens once every thousand years right?" 

He asks the boy behind him, "Mhm, mom and dad said that. Though I think it happens when something is created or mom and dad did it."

"Faster you two!" Both of the boys smile as they finally caught with the hyperactive girl.

They sat on the ledge of the grassy field. And having a further look at where they are, they sat on a floating island in the skies. The clouds beneath the island seemed to lift up the island itself, enabling it to float in the skies.

As they sat on the ledge of the island, a beautiful sparkle appeared in the sky. The three of them look up to see the stars forming as another universe was created.

"Pretty~!" She looks at it in awe as she reaches out her hand as if to grab it.

The other two just smiled as the boy with black hair laid down, "Say, brother, what do you wanna do when we grow up?" He held his chin as if he was thinking.

A light bulb appeared on his head seemingly out of nowhere, "I want to be the God of Balance, along with... - ..." The boy smiled.

"Then, I'll be the God of Chaos and match your strength... - ..." Both of them smiled as their eyes burned with a fiery passion.

[A Few Hundred of Thousand of Years Later...]

A few years later, we see then two boys from before all fully grown up. But both look like they are in their early twenties.

"Say, brother. What do you think of walking among the mortals?" He asks his brother who turned towards him, "I could use this time to see if they have more entertaining stuff." 

"Kaz, you know mom and dad won't approve of this." He stated as he was working on a terminal, showing a universe.

"Yeah, but, would you like to live like this forever? I mean, we can find anything through this terminal but we can experience it better if we do it ourselves." Kaz's twin brother thought for a bit before he sighs in defeat.

"Fine, mom and dad said that they are gone for a few thousand years so I guess we'll be fine." He smiled, "I always knew you were the smarter twin."

Kaz chuckles, "And you were the stronger one." His brother shakes his head, "But we still need to calm down our power so that no one will suspect us." His twin nods in agreement.

He turns away from Kaz as he touches a few switches on the terminal, "So what universe would you like to go?"

Kaz looks at the big screen, scanning through the names of the different types of universe. That was until his gaze was focused on planet Earth with an emblem of a rune.

{Paused} Chaos Night (OC Reader x KDA x CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now