Chapter 14 - Office Work | Warmth (🍋)

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Mo- *cough* right...

{Kaz's POV}

It has been a few days after our night out, the girls have been doing great, and I can say that I'm proud of it. Today is Friday, meaning I have to seat and do the paperwork for the concert that happened a few days back.

Though, things are going fast with someone who is experienced. Eve was helping me with the paperwork, since she usually does these types of things, I asked for her help. Well, that is to say, that she is currently sat on my lap, happily humming a tune while doing paperwork.

I can't help but smile, she might be the eldest of the group, but she still acts like a small child. Unlike Ahri, she shows her child-like personality when we are alone, acting like a kid whenever she does something to make me proud. It makes her motherly figure towards the girls different.

But things change whenever she occasionally shake her hips. Eve would have this mischievous smile whenever I let out a small groan, grinding her hips on my lap, feeling the softness and plumpness of her rear. I couldn't help but indulge myself in her.

And whenever we would do it, she was always the one taking in control. I might be a celestial being, but when it comes to pleasure, I would only have little experience when it comes to it.

Now, I am in that same situation, and Eve was enjoying it, "Manager~ You're getting hard again~" Her alluring voice echoed throughout the room, I could only groan in response.

"Eve... Stop... I want to finish this as soon as possible." Her teasing continued. I could only watch her move her hips seductively on my lap, "...Eve."

"Come on, Kaz~." She stopped moving her hips, which made me look at her, "I know you want this too~."

"C-can we do it later?" I sighed, "This is due tomorrow, and I don't want my mortal body stressing." She frowns for a second but quickly smiled.

"Fine..." She turns around, straddling on my lap, "... Can you... treat me like a lover would do...?" I look up to her, meeting her amber yellow eyes, a pleading look on her face.

I could only smile, "I will, now, come on. We still have some paperwork to do." I gave her a peck on the cheek, making her smile in the process.


Two hours later, we finally finished all of it. I slumped onto the chair I was sitting on, doing this kind of thing takes a toll on my mind. I just hope that it would be easier the next we do it.

Thanks to Eve's help, we manage to finish it faster. Speaking of Eve, I look around only to see her asleep on the couch. I shook my head, standing up and walking towards her.

I kneeled beside her, looking at her sleeping face. She had a smile on her face, "Manager~ Pamper me more~." She giggled in her sleep.

I shake my head, "Already enjoying yourself," I look at her. Rubbing her head, which she nuzzles into, "I guess it can't be helped."

I took out a blanket from the closet near my desk. Covering her up with the blanket I took, I slowly made my way towards the door. Slowly opening it, I saw Kai'sa standing there.

"Kai? What's up?" She seemed dazed for a second, "Did you need anything?" I softened my voice due to it being dry for two straight hours.

"Is Eve available?" I motioned my hand on the sleeping Eve on the couch, "Oh..."

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