Chapter 9 - Protector | Another Encounter

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{3rd Person's View}


The only emotion that the high orc felt when it saw him, the orc was trembling in fear as it stares at the menacing, cold glare our protagonist is emitting.

"A-Attack!" The leader of the orc shouted, Kaz just looks at them.

"Weapon Magic: Soul Reap." Kaz raised his transformed scythe, before swinging it down with one swift movement.

Everything stopped, a ripple opened on where Kaz swang, before turning back to normal. Everything seems to be in place but the colors of the orcs that attacked Kaz disappeared.

They all fell one by one until the leader himself was left, Kaz lunge towards him, breaking a wall revealing the bodies of some of the students.

Kaz gazes at the unmoving bodies before looking back at the orc.

"Why did you do this?" The only response he got was pleading, "Who ordered you to do this?" The orc squirmed before answering.

"The voices in our head always mention, 'kill the humans', and we do so." He only looks at him before locking him in place.

"What about me? Can't you hear any voices about me?" The orc only shook before pleading for mercy again, Kaz sighed deeply before ending its life.

He goes back to see Ruby sitting beside an injured Ryze and Heimerdinger, both are being treated, covered in bandages all around their bodies. Kaz looks at Ruby, who noticed his presence.

"Keep them safe." Ruby only nodded.

Outside of the school, we can see Jen and Hana being treated by a group of hunters and doctors. Some of the hunter's hands emitted a green glow, while the doctors checked for more wounds.

As they were being treated, the elf shadow soldier from before was seen entering the gym. Upon entering the gym, dead bodies were scattered neatly around the room. 

The shadows shifted, a black silhouette of a  man started to form, before it dispersed revealing Kaz.

"Is this all of them?" The shadow elf nodded and bowed before disappearing in his shadow, Kaz sighed heavily before sitting down, cross-legged.

He summoned a golden staff, radiating a golden glow as it did so, the yellow gem on top of it glowed brightly as he chanted.

He summoned a golden staff, radiating a golden glow as it did so, the yellow gem on top of it glowed brightly as he chanted

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"Weapon Magic: Awakening!" The staff glowed brighter, engulfing the whole room with golden light particles.

The particles covered the unmoving bodies, emitting a warm glow as it did so. After it died down, Kaz suddenly got onto one knee, panting heavily as he did.

"Using this spell really drains a lot in me." He looks at the moving bodies before disappearing into the shadows.

The scene changes outside of the school, a few hunters were present and the ones that Kaz met were there as well. They were helping the injured students but suddenly, a large yellow beam appeared in the night, lighting the whole area as it did.

{Paused} Chaos Night (OC Reader x KDA x CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now