Chapter 5 - Moving In | Students

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{Kaz's POV}

We were now in the penthouse where the girls are staying, Hana and Jen wanted to come as well since they were curious to see what the place looked like and it was a disaster. A lot of clothes were all over the place, random noodle boxes, and overall just random things.

"Don't you guys ever look out for your selves?" I look towards the four who only look down in shame, "I mean, sure you guys are idols but it doesn't mean you guys don't need to just throw your trash everywhere." Ahri was about to speak, "And don't make an excuse about being busy since I saw all of you slacking around."

Both of her ears slowly go down before she looks down as well, I sighed as I summon five of my soldiers.

"Clean this place up." I look at the girls, crossing my arms, "I will monitor all of you, and if, IF, I see you all throwing around random things again. I'll discipline you all personally." They shivered before nodding frantically, "Good. Ahri, show me around. You two get acquainted with them for now." They both nodded their heads before I followed Ahri.

I can see her shivering a bit so I just rubbed her head to try and comfort her. This seemed to calm her down since I heard a little but audible purr from her.

I sighed, "Look, I'm just trying to see if you guys would meet my expectation and it is turning out great. I may like some chaos but being unorganized is not in my book, my twin brother is the same. Even though we are polar opposites I still have some quirks as the same as my brother." She gave me a small glance, letting me see a small tint of red on her cheek, "And maybe... just maybe I can give you all something in return." I gave her a smile, getting one from her as well.

I took off my hand from her head but I received a disappointing look until it was replaced by a cheery one, "Come on then! A manager needs to know the place where he is staying at." She zooms around the place while I just follow her with a small smile.

'This will visit will be interesting.' I shook my head.

[Timeskip, 3rd Person's View]

As Ahri showed Kaz around, the other three with the two students were seen sitting down on the couch of the living room. Both are having a nice conversation with Hana and Jen talking with the idols happily, seemingly like best friends already, except Evelynn who was only teasing the two students.

"So, where did you find Kaz? You two seem really close to him~" She spoke in a teasing manner causing both of them to blush furiously.

"Uh-um... well, we met him when he was walking around the city. He said he doze off so he ended up in front of the academy, Professor Ryze actually met him first." Evelynn raised a brow.

"Prof. Ryze still teaches in Hextech Academy?" Akali asks as the two idols seemingly thought the same.

"I mean, yes. But he is the principal now, so he rarely teaches students. Sometimes he just gives us assignments." The three idols now look at Jen shocked.

"Wow, never thought that uncle would be the principal," Kai'sa commented getting surprised and confused looks from the others.

"Uncle?" She nods her head.

"Dad said he was an old friend of his, he would always say that who will make the best magic has to teach magic." She explained puffing out her chest and crossing her arms, proudly which got a few awkward looks from them.

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