Chapter 10 - Rest | Party

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[Third Person's View]

Adam, Camelia, and Ahri were sat in the living room, talking about the upcoming party that will be held in their guild. Ahri was intrigued so she decided to call the others, that being Kai'sa and Akali, apparently, Evelynn is accompanying Kaz.

"So, who are the ones that will be going to this party? It's not like the guild to suddenly throw a party." Akali commented sitting on the floor cross-legged.

"John said that he is doing this because he wants to gather the hunters to introduce Kaz to them." Adam explained as he takes out a piece of paper, "This is the memo that he gave us."

The three girls scanned the paper before Ahri puts it down, "Are we invited?" She asks happily, Adam just smiled while Camelia looks at her with an amused smile.

"John already said the staff about you." Ahri's ears perked up, "For the question, that is already answered."

"When is the party held?" Kai'sa asked though she was shy about it.

"It will be held tonight at the guildhall." The three nodded.

The sounds of footsteps were heard, Ahri turns her head to see Hana with a worried look. She plops herself onto the couch, tired.

"Is Jenny alright?" Hana nods her head, sighing deeply.

"She's fine... A bit traumatized but she'll be okay. Kaz-sensei she just needs to rest." Ahri nods her head as she looks at her with a worried look.

"I'm sure she'll be alright, if Kaz said that she needs rest, we can believe him." Just as Adam was about to speak, the shadows around them shifted.

The shadows then turned into a silhouette of two persons, the shadow swirls around them until it revealed Kaz and Evelynn. Kaz looks around until he spots Adam and Camelia.

"So, what's the thing we're gonna talk about?" Kaz sat down beside Hana, comfortably hugging her.

"John asked for your presence for a party." Kaz raised a brow.

"If he wants to throw a party, he could just have invited me instead of sending you guys as his errand boy." Adam was about to speak again but he just hangs his head in defeat.

Camelia chuckled, patting his back, "Well, we wanted happened to be near you so we had to tell you."

Kaz nodded before looking at the four girls, "I'll be out for a bit," he looks at Hana, "I'll check Jenny later. For now, go and stay with her." He kissed her forehead before heading out towards the garden.

"Something's troubling him," Akali commented, getting the attention of the group, "Eve, what happened?"

She let out a sigh, "We had an unexpected encounter," Evelynn crossed her arms, "and now I had to calm him down since something reminded him of his past." She shakes her head, "It's not pretty."

"Who did you guys meet?" The scene cuts to Kaz sitting in the middle of the garden.

"The thing he wanted to forget." He closed his eyes, meditating, "A killer."

The cool breeze hit his face, calming the growing guilt and sorrow he felt when he destroyed the homes of other beings. And yet, there is this feeling that they deserved it.

Kaz opened his eyes, "I hate reminiscing the past." He sighed deeply, summoning Beru behind him, "Beru, inspect that forest. I want to see who are the people that live there."

"Yes, My Liege." The humanoid soldier ant bowed before disappearing in a thick fog, Kaz stared at the sky before he stood up.

"I guess I'll go see Jenny." Kaz walks inside to see the four girls and the two hunters talking, some of them gave a glance but he just walked down the hall. Once he reached a certain door, he opened it.

{Paused} Chaos Night (OC Reader x KDA x CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now