Chapter 2 - Greetings | Talk

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[Kaz's POV]

Looking at the battle, Akali was having a hard time even though Igris hasn't evolved into his final commandment yet. I motioned my hand for Igris to stop and Akali noticed as she stopped as well.

"You still need a bit more practice since you're having a hard time keeping up with him." I commented, "Though, you still did a good job." I gave him another water bottle that I was carrying inside my pocket dimension.

"Where are you getting these water bottles?" I shook my head.

"I store them in my pocket dimension, everything can freeze in time if I put something inside it." She looks at me curiously, "What?"

"You mean if you put food inside it won't get stale?" I look at her with a questioning look.

"Is that how the food is called when they smell bad?" She gave me a blank look, "I have things I haven't learned yet, ninja. Be grateful that I didn't destroy your world yet." 

She shivered, "W-Well... do you have any power that can read people's minds?" Akali asks making me pause.

"I haven't thought of that before." I look at her,  though she flinched from my gaze, "Is it okay if I look for information in your mind?" She looks at me before sighing in defeat.

"Fine," she points her finger at me, "but don't look at my private ones!" I raised my hand as a small smile formed on my face.

"I won't, I won't. I promise." I slowly went to Akali, I towered over her with her head just reaching under my chin, "It will hurt a bit so please bear with it for a little."

She took a deep breath before she nods, "I'm ready." I put my hand on her head as a bit of aura started to glow from it. A lot of information started to fill my mind, ranging from the machines that I saw to the smaller ones that have moving pictures.

I pulled my hand away from her head and see that she was breathing heavily, I let her sit down as I crouch down to her level, "Take it easy for now."

She nods her head, taking in deep breaths to calm herself down. Akali drinks a bit of the water I gave her as she still took her time breathing.

"I'll let you rest at the place I'm staying at for now, is that okay with you?" I ask her, she looks at me before she looks away and nods her head, "Can you stand?" She tried to but failed as I caught her by the waist and held her up, using me as a support for her, "I guess I'll teleport us at the hotel."

I stood up as I held Akali close to me. Both of us started to get engulfed by the shadows around us before we appeared in the room that I was staying in. I laid her down on the bed as I went to go get some medication for her.

For some reason, I knew what I was doing as I was now giving her some of the medication that they had in here. I let her sat up on the bed with the backboard being the support.

"Thank you..." I look at her giving me a genuine smile, "... I knew you weren't a bad person." I look away, facing the glass with the overview of the city.

"I've only acted because I gained knowledge." I look at her and gave a more genuine smile, "I should be thanking you since you blessed me with this."

{Paused} Chaos Night (OC Reader x KDA x CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now