Chapter 1 - Encounter | Ninja Friend

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{Kaz's POV}

As I was walking through the city of Piltover, I was looking for a place to stay since I have nowhere to go. But I saw a park when I was walking through the city, maybe I could use the environment there and take a nap.

Though I couldn't shake the feeling of me being watched by someone, a familiar feeling though it wasn't the same as him. 

As I made towards the park I can still sense the figure watching me, it wasn't far just enough for me to pinpoint it.

Hm... it seems that this figure has the ability to turn themselves invisible but they can't hide their presence. 

I reached the middle of the park and it was a good sight to see.

"Pink petals," I look around and see that these trees were the only ones in the park that are pink, "what are these things called?" I asked no one in particular but my question was answered by someone I think is the gardener

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"Pink petals," I look around and see that these trees were the only ones in the park that are pink, "what are these things called?" I asked no one in particular but my question was answered by someone I think is the gardener.

"They are called cherry blossom trees. It is a rare tree that can be found in another country." He said, and judging from his looks he might be in his late 40's.

"I've never seen such a beautiful sight." He nodded in agreement as a smile was on his face as well.

"I couldn't agree more, young man." He looks at me from head to toe before speaking, "Say, you're not from around here are you?"

I smile in amusement since I've heard of this before, "What makes you say that?" He chuckles.

"Most of the people don't wear a trench coat here that's long as yours so I just assumed you were." I let out sighed as I nodded, "Well, I guess I can provide you a map since you're new here." 

He walks in a random direction as I follow behind him, though the one following me from before seemed to have close the distance a bit closer. They were just a few meters away. I guess I'll with them after I get the map, I still need to find a place to stay.

As we arrived at what looks like a shed, he opens it while walks in. The figure that was following kept getting closer though they stopped when the gardener came back with a piece of paper in hand. I can tell that they were impatient since I can feel their bloodlust already.

"Here is the map," he hands it to me, "you can keep it since I have memorized most of the city now."

I bowed my head before facing him, "Thank you, by the way. Where is a good place to stay?" He points at a landmark of the map having a name called 'hotel'.

"This is the nearest hotel, they charge a bit too much since it is classy but I think you can manage." He said as he backs away, "I guess I shouldn't keep you since it is already late."

I nodded as I started to walk out of the park with the figure following close behind. This is getting more annoying by the minute, ever since I separated from Akali, someone has already had eyes on me and it is getting on my nerves.

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