Chapter 7 - Double Dungeon | Knowledge

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{Kaz's POV}

I and Ahri were now in the kitchen eating breakfast together with the others, Ahri was having a cup of coffee while I was having the same with what they call french toast, Evelynn was only drinking coffee, Akali is eating noodles, though it was dry, she said it was pancit canton made from another country, Kai'sa was having the same as mine, and the two schoolgirls are having bacon and eggs.

"You two, when is your class gonna start?" They look at each other before looking at me.

"Our class starts in about an hour," Jen replied, "We usually go and take a taxi to get there."

"I'll give you two a lift then, that is if you both are not afraid of heights." All of them gave me a questioning look.

"You can fly?" I shook my head, letting out a small sigh as I did so.

"Right, I haven't shown you all of my soldiers yet." I got up from my seat, "You guys have a large clearing here?" Akali pointed towards a door, revealing a large garden, "That should work. Come on." 

I walked towards the door opening it while the others followed closely from behind, I admired my surrounding since this is a nice place to do some meditating, and I noticed that some of the plants were withering. 

"You guys really need to hire a gardener, this place will wither if you guys don't have one." I sighed before looking in front of me, my eyes glowed purple, "Come forth, Kai'sel."

The shadow around us moved, before glowing purple as the air shifts, a large black ball manifested before me as two glowing purple eyes stared at me. The black figure formed into a wyvern, letting out a small roar.

"Everyone, meet Kai'sel, wyvern." It looks at everyone before its gaze landed on Jen, she looks frightened at first before it lowered its head, "It wants you to rub its head." She looks at me before looking back at the reptile in front of her.

She took a deep breath, slowly lifting her hand towards its nose, letting it rest on the wyvern's nose. It let out a huff, wagging its tail happily as Jen giggled at this.

"Come on, you guys still need to attend class." I jump on its back letting the two girls slowly climb from its wings. As they got comfortable I looked at the wyvern and nodded, "Hextech Academy, make the flight smooth as possible." I looked at the four girls, "Call me if you need anything, I'm gonna look around the city for now." 

Kai'sa raised her hand, "Can you get me some ingredients when you get home?" I nod my head.

"We already have a mental link, you can just inform me later." She nods before we took off, though I feel the two girls hug me tightly.

{3rd Person's View}

With John, we can see him sitting behind a desk, signing a few papers when he did so. As he finished signing the papers he laid back to his chair, letting out a deep sigh.

"What am I supposed to do with these types of hunters..." He sighed in annoyance before his attention was altered to another paper, "Double dungeon, huh..? Maybe Kaz can clear it."  

He let out another sigh before putting it down, the air shifts around him as a shadow soldier appeared in front of him, it resembled an ant but it was standing like a normal human would, "Have you requested, my liege's presence?" It asked him and he was surprised to see it as well.

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