Chapter 16 - Powers | Distant Memory

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{3rd Person's View}

The world around Kaz and Cindy was starting to disappear. Kaz was looking at Ruby and Weiss, both fighting the other two monarchs in slow motion.

When the world went back to normal, time went back to normal. Ruby delivered a slash towards the Beast monarch. Meanwhile, Weiss launched an icicle attack towards the Frost monarch.

"Do you think you can best a Monarch, child?!" The Frost Monarch yelled, retaliating with an ice attack.

Weiss narrows her eyes, "Don't underestimate the power of a Schnee!" She reeled her weapon back, "Ruby!"

Ruby appears beside Weiss in rose petals, "Combine Breathing Style Technique: Frost of the Winter Rose!" Kaz widened his eyes.

"They weren't supposed to know that yet..." A large rose with white and red petals grew from the ground. As it was growing, a chilly yet beautiful smell covered the air. The giant rose launched a volley of white and red petals towards the Frost Monarch.

"Rose Breathing: Second Form - Petal Dance!" Ruby swings her scythe horizontally. From the slash, a storm of rose petals flew with it.

"Ice Breathing: First Form - Icicle Spear!" Weiss reeled her weapon back. She focused her breathing before launching her attack. 

The Frost Monarch didn't have any time to react when the attacks reached him. 

"Gah!" The Frost Monarch has blasted away. He, however, retaliated with an attack of his own.

In mid-air, the Frost Monarch made an ice fissure. The road turned to ice, creating a crack in the process.

Ruby bursts away while Weiss uses this attack as an upgrade. She smirks, "You're not the only one who can control ice!"

Weiss closed her eyes and focused her breathing. The air around her got colder. She opened her eyes. It changes from blue to cosmic purple.

"Fear the wrath of a queen!" Her aura flares up. The ground shook, "Frost Hydra!" Five dragon-like heads came out behind Weiss. She raised her right hand.

The five-headed creature let out an ear-piercing roar

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The five-headed creature let out an ear-piercing roar. It suddenly disappears, confusing the Frost Monarch. But his eyes widened in fear when it appeared right in front of him.

The Hydra opened its mouth and ate the Frost Monarch whole. It let out a satisfying burp before disappearing forever.

Weiss's eyes went back to normal. She looks at Kaz with a smile and blush.

"D-Did I do g-g-good... Master...?" Kaz smiles. Weiss closes her eyes. She disappears in white particles. The particles flew towards Kaz's chest, a snowflake symbol appearing on his neck.

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