Chapter 15 - Dungeons | The Monarchs

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Disclaimer: Spoilers on the Solo Leveling Light Novel.

{3rd Person's View}

A few weeks have passed after Kaz's and Evelynn's scenario. Currently, Kaz and the girls are on a stand-off. They are sat in a ring, all of them holding three pieces of cards while Kaz was holding one left.

Kaz takes a card from the stack. All of the girls started to sweat, looking at Kaz anxiously. Once he took it, he faced his cards down and smirks. 

"Finally." He turns the two cards revealing a pair of twos, "I win." The girls sighed in defeat.

"Not fair. You always win this game." Ahri crosses her arms while pouting cutely.

"I just had the better odds. Plus, it is a game of luck." They all put the cards down with Kaz fixing it, "Come on, I'll treat you guys outside."

"Oh? Where is this coming from?" Evelynn spoke while following Kaz outside, followed by the other seven girls. 

"I got another job to do. John said there is some dungeon clearing today, and he asked me to participate in it." He stood in the middle of the beautiful garden, "Kaisel."

The black wyvern appeared, Kaz jumped on its back while they followed.

"Find John first. I need to talk to him." He ordered the wyvern as it only growls in response.

The girls followed him and hopped on. The black wyvern spread its wings before it flew off. They admired the view except for Kaz, who was thinking while staring onto the horizon.

He was about to look at his companions until he felt a gaze. Kaz look to where it was and saw the same faceless woman staring at him.

"What do you want?" The woman trembled once she heard him, "I have some things to do."

"I-I just wanted to warn you something..." Kaz raised a brow before crossing his arms, "... Other Monarchs have reached this realm..."

"Monarch, huh?" Kaz held his chin as he looks at the girls, who were chatting with each other, "I could use this opportunity to see if they have grown stronger."

"Y-You know t-them?!" He crossed his arms.

"Of course, I do. I was the shadow monarch after all." She produced a high-pitched squeak, causing Kaz to smile in amusement.

"Y-You walked amongst them...?" He let out a sigh. This didn't go unnoticed by Evelynn as she looks to where Kaz was staring.

"I taught all of them. Though, they don't know my true identity." Kaz chuckles darkly, "Oh~ It'll be fun messing with them."

Evelynn saw the same faceless woman staring at Kaz, but she turned to her, "Your friend seemed to notice us."

Kaz looks to his left and see Evelynn staring at the faceless woman, "It's fine. You wanna talk with her?"

She nods, "Sure. I could talk with another race." Kaz smiles.

"Eve?" His words rang in her head, she turns to Kaz, "You've met Slendra before, right?"

"Yeah... Why..?" Although she was uncertain, Kaz could tell she was surprised by this.

"I wanted to talk to you personally." Slenda's voice was heard, her voice was soothing, enough that it will let you fall asleep.

"...You have a great voice." Was the first thing came into Evelynn's mind, the business was surprised as well.

"I didn't know you speak more with your mind. I should do this more often." Kaz commented as Evelynn looks away in embarrassment.

{Paused} Chaos Night (OC Reader x KDA x CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now