Chapter 12 - Starry-Eyed Songstress | Dark Signal

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A few days have passed, things have changed after these days and KDA just released a new song. Of course, their fans loved it and they are thinking of doing another concert, though this one, in particular, will change everything.

Though, they still needed some time to prepare for the upcoming concert. And Kaz will be in it as well, he tried to protest but Ahri did one thing he couldn't resist, the puppy eyes.

He ultimately agreed since Jenny and Hana wanted to see him sing as well, now, he is seen searching through his phone for the song he is gonna use.

"Should I do rock music? It isn't popular nowadays." Kaz had a troubled look though one song caught his attention, "Impatient? Seems fitting enough."

Kaz reads through the lyrics and it was good, he saved the song and flew off, he didn't want to disturb the girls so he ventured off since they were practicing for the concert. He looks around until noticing a cafe, curious, he lands in front of it and entered.

The aroma of the brewing coffee hit his nose, although there were very few people, he can tell that the drinks were made with perfection.

"Oh! A new face!" Kaz looks up to see a man in his early 20's cleaning a glass with a cloth, "Are you new here, good sir?"

Kaz chuckles as he took a sit in front of the counter, "Well, I was already here a few days ago but you could say that." The man laughs as he sets the glass down.

"Well, what brew would you like to have?" He crosses his arms with a smirk that radiated confidence. Kaz smiled in amusement.

"Impress me." The man's smirk grew larger.

"Sera! Another brew of your specialty!" He shouted through the door behind him, getting a happy reply when he did.

"You got it, Ben!" He turns back to see Kaz with a smile.

"It looks like you're not alone in this place," Kaz held his hand out, "Kazuki but you can call me Kaz."

"Ben, just Ben." He chuckles before shaking Kaz's hand gratefully. Kaz smiled at this before he lets go. After a few minutes, a girl came out, she had wavy pink hair with the ends being blue and her attire radiated happiness.

"I'm guessing she is the one in control with the brewing?" Kaz raised a brow and identified her, and he noticed something different with her eyes, "Sera, right?" She perks up and looks at him staring into her eyes, "Yup, you just confirmed my suspicion."

She tilts her head in confusion, "Suspicion? Am I in trouble?" Sera began to sweat until the words that came out of Kaz's mouth shocked her.

"Chromesthesia, I can tell from the look in your eyes that it changes when I do this." Although it wasn't clear for Ben, he saw a glimpse of blurry music notes, but Sera was another story, she can clearly see it, "It is amazing to see one mortal have this gift." He took a sip of the coffee and he smiled, "And you have talent from the way you brew this."

"Umm..." She couldn't help but feel flustered about this, and it made Kaz smiled, "How can you tell...?"

Kaz closes his eyes before he reopens them to let them both see his glowing cosmic purple eyes, "A celestial being is capable to see anything," he sighs before the glowing disappeared, "even things that can't be forgotten."

Both of the workers had a different reaction, Sera was blushing hard and Ben had a sympathetic look, "I can tell that you have experienced something unforgettable."

Kaz sighed, "I'm not going back to it any time soon since I want to explore different universes." Ben looks at him with confusion and suspicion.

"You know what I'm not even gonna ask where you came from." Kaz just chuckles as Sera composes herself.

{Paused} Chaos Night (OC Reader x KDA x CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now