Chapter 20

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We did it!! We made it to chapter 20!! I half expected I would've lost motivation by now because often when I start something, I can't bring myself to finish it. Recently though, I've actually started projects (like making a mini comic strip or something) that I've actually finished! This is cause for celebration!! Not right now though, because I now will be writing this! Hope you enjoy!!


Would You Rather

Eat a banana while sitting next to Fudou

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Eat a banana while sitting next to Fudou


Eat an ice-cream while sitting next to Midorikawa

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Eat an ice-cream while sitting next to Midorikawa

Midorikawa: Why does everyone keep relating ice-cream to me?

Hiroto (Kiyama): Only God knows...

Aphrodi:*somewhere in Korea**sneezes*

Hiroto: This is a pretty weird question.

Midorikawa: No doubt. How do you feel about it, Fudou?

Fudou:(thoughts: I will steal their bananas!) I really don't care.

Kidou: I think you'll find he does. This guy was made for bananas! He would do anything to get his hands on even one. I should know. I was once in the park holding a banana when Fudou jumped out of the bushes and tackled me to ground. He then took the banana and ran off yelling something about his baby?


Kidou: Definitely not one of my most fond memories. And have you even seen his hair?! It LOOKS LIKE A BANANA-

Fudou: Oh shut up, Kidou.

Kidou:*looks as though he's about to die from shock and horror at what he heard. He is completely rooted to the spot and is just staring at Fudou, appalled at the guy's action*...(thoughts: The world is ending...)

Fudou:(Thoughts: YESSSS!! TAKE THAT YOU PENGUIN FREAK! I HAVE MY REVENGE!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!)*monotone voice* See you dorks later.*leaves the room*

Kidou:*drags his feet out of the room in shame*


Hiroto: Soooo...

Midorikawa: So...

Hiroto: This sure is awkward, isn't it?

Midorikawa: And is saying that supposed to make it any LESS awkward?


Midorikawa:*leaves the room*

Hiroto: Oh, um...I guess it's just you and me now- wait, who am I talking too?*leaves the room*


We have the ice-cream head and the banana head. Is there anyone else in Inazuma who's hair looks like food?

Ok, so that was chapter 20! Sorry it was kinda short. I think the next chapter will be a special so there won't be a Would You Rather question. I hope you like it none the less!

Stay safe!!

Would You Rather with the Inazuma Eleven Gang!! ;)Where stories live. Discover now