Chapter one

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        The paladin were in the middle of a fight and the red paladin wasn't their yet. They continued fighting for about a half an hour. The red paladin finally flew in taking down every ship in sight. " sorry I'm late guys, something came up in the blades." Keith said. 

"okay , now every one is here lets form Voltron!" Shiro shouted down the comms. They quickly finished off the Galra fleet. They all returned to the castle exhausted.

( at the castle of lions)

Lance went up to Keith , more angry than ever." What the hell was that !?" He shouted. Keith couldn't say anything he just stood there , looking down at the floor. " why are you always late, get your priorities right!!!" Lance shouted.

"I-I'm s- sorry" Keith whispered.

" sorry doesn't cut it KEITH!!!" Lance shouted. 

Every one just stared at Lance . Hunk decided to cut in " lance, buddy, dont you think your being a little hard on Keith?"

" no" Shiro said. Every one ,but Keith, stared at Shiro. " Shiro , what?!" Allura and pidge asked. " Keith needs to stop acting foolish" he said in a harsh tone" he needs to choose , its Keith Voltron or the blades. I mean Lance could easily fly red and Allura blue. It doesn't matter if he leaves"

Every one just stared at Shiro, how could he say that? Lance looked over at Keith he was staring at Keith. His bangs covered his face, hiding his eyes. He saw one single tear roll down his cheek. He saw his fists turn into a ball. But before Keith could say anything he ran out of the room crying.


(shiros pov)

         after I came out of my state of rage. I broke down. I started crying. Every one was trying to calm me down. I had a wave of guilt flush over me." T- this ... is all my ... fault..."

( no ones pov)

 " all my ...fault..." Shiro said whilst sobbing. All the paladins have never seen him like this before. He never yelled at Keith. Keith was his brother, how could he act so cruel. 

The paladins soon understood that Shiro said what he said because he was aggravated and simply put pissed off. All the paladins knew that. So they just let him calm down. 

" om going to check on Keith" Shiro finally spoke. Before any one could convince him otherwise , he was half way down the hallway.

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