Chapter three

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Keith pov

  I woke up to find my self in a bare cell. With just a bed and a toilet. There was no windows , just plain walls. There was a huge metal door , wich looked like there was a hatch that you could slide open to put food in and out of. I was still in my mamora suit. That felt oddly reassuring. For some reason I still had my blade. Strange. 

Third pov

Keith just sat in his cell just thinking. He was still shaken up by what Lotor said earlier. It just racked around in his brain. All he could think was why would lotor say 'your safe now'. It shook Keith thats why he didnt attack lotor because lotor fucking said he was safe now?! What was does that mean?! 

Whilst keith was deep in thought, lotor burst into the room. Keith jumped back abit. Lotor looked down at him , smirking. 

"hello little red." Lotor said smirking. Keith didn't say anything, just glared at Lotor. "thats no way to act to the galra prince, half-breed."

"w-what? H-how d-did you know?" Keith stuttered. Lotor seemed amused by Keith reaction. He slowly made his way to keith and sat down on keith metal bed. He gently put his finger under keith chin and pushed his head to meet his gaze. 

Lotor pov

I looked into the red paladins eyes. They were beutiful. I notice the pure terror in his eyes. I understood why. I mean have you seen me. I didnt know whay came over me but i pulled him in to a warm hug.

Keith pov

Lotor pulled me into a warm hug. I was so confused. But i was too scared. I melted into the hug. I wrapped my arm round his neck. Whilst he wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled me in closer. I dont know why but I just felt safe in lotor arms.

I guess I was safe now...

You're safe now...(Keitor)Where stories live. Discover now