chapter 11

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Lotor and his generals have been on the castle of lions ship for about a week. The paladins wanted them too stay so they could rest.
Keith has been talking to hunk coran and Pidge most of the time. He ingnores lances and Alluras existence and sometimes talks to shiro.
One day shiro was bored so he offered Keith a spare round. He wanted to fight just hand to hand combat but Keith has been training with weapons when he is sparing. Woo they decided to use weapons. They walked down the hall in silence. Shiro say sorry for everything but couldn't find a way how. Once they arrived at the training room they got into fighting stance. Keith pulled out his mamora blade whilst Shiro Galra hand created a sword.(you know like when they were fighting in season six)
Keith watched shiro every move. He didn't know if he would strike first or not. Keith soon got impatient and strikes the first move just as Shiro wanted.Shiro new Keith's fighting techniques so he knew how to counteract all of them. But today was different.

Keith usually goes low for the first move to strike but today he sucked and attacked from behind.
Keith slid across the floor and kicked Shiro in the back. Shiro stumbled forwards. Before he had time to react Keith kicked him in the stomach making Shiro fall on his back. Shiro pulled Keith down with him. Keith was now straddling Shiro waist with his blade at his throat.
"Yield!" Keith demanded.
To say that Shiro was surprised would be an understatement. Shiro was shocked. How the heck did Keith do it so fast. He almost felt proud. He felt a smile creep in his face.
"Shiro stop smiling! You suppose To be struggling! You know to try and win the round!" Shiro yelled.
Shiro flipped Keith over so now he was on top. He smiled proudly before he was kicked off. And flew halfway across the arena.
He looked up to see Keith dusting himself off with no scratches what so ever just smirking.
Shiro ran up to Keith swiping his sword but Keith dodged effortlessly. Shiro swing again and again but Keith just stood out of the way. It was if he was waiting for Shiro to tire.
"Just give up Takashi"
Shiro froze. No one eve call him that. Keith stokes Shiro in the side making him fall over. He got up quickly and decided to fight again.
He ran towards Keith and the swords collided. They kept on battling with their sword for a good fifteen minutes before they felt an audience.
Every one in the castle heard grunting and clattering of metal. They decided to look and saw Shiro and Keith fighting with Keith over powering Shiro.
"Just give up Takashi!" Keith yelled" you can't win! " very one stood in shock no one ever call Shiro that.
Keith kicked Shiro in the stomach causing him to fall on his back. Keith looked over his and our his blade to Shiro neck.
"Yield Takashi..."
shiro wanted to keep fighting but he couldn't. He was tired. He had a blade to his neck. In all he just wanted to go to sleep.
"Fine... I yield."
Keith back away and smiled. He helped Shiro up and walked away towards Lotor.
"Oh my god! Did you guys see that. I beat the one and only Takashi Shirogane!"
They just smiled at Keith outburst. "Yes indeed little red. Haha" Lotor laughed. He put his arm round Keith waist and held him close. They were both blushing bright red but both were oblivious to each other.
Lotor generals all looked at each other smirking knowing exactly what's going on.
Every one walked out of the room once again going to the lounge to watch a movie.

on the way to the lounge Shiro kept on giving Keith a few side glares. he was still salty because Keith beat him in a match. Shiro just told himself that he was caught off-guard by Keith calling him Takashi. he decided to just leave and beat him next time.

It need how it always did Pidge not listening, lance crying, hunk eating, coran laughing, Allura and Shiro in silence, Ezor and Zethrid cuddling, Acxa swearing and Narti holding the cat. Keith
Anne once again Lotor and Keith were in each other's embrace(asleep)
Pidge thought this was the perfect moment to take another picture , a few aaawwwws out it under the file as
'bonding moment'.

Sorry for the bad chapter have a bit of writers block sooooooo. Anyways hope you enjoyed. Bai!.

P.S. Also i kind of running out of ideas so i need some inspiration. tell me what you guys would like to see next.
It's gonna probably be a while until next update due to writer block.

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