Chapter six

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It been a few weeks since Keith has been gone. Every one has been searching for him. The finally realised how bad of friends they were. And wanted to give Keith the biggest hug in the world.

One day the paladins were just lounging around when they got a new mission. It was to blow up a Galra ship.


Shiro pov

I was running down the hall on the galra ship, with the others close behind when we ran into five people in uniforms. They didnt look like they were on Zarkon side because they were planting bombs as well.

"well if it isn't the paladins of voltron" one said , whilst they were all taking of their helmets. We were met by a pale blue girl, a pink one , a bulky purple one, a lizard looking purple one and... Keith?!

" Keith..." Lance said shocked. Keith just looked at us with hatred in his eyes. I suddenly felt like I was being shove. I looked up and saw Hunk and Coran giving Keith a giant hug. He hugged back. " I cant believe, you guys are here." He said , clearly not saying it to us. " oh hunk, coran this is Acxa, Ezor,Zethrid and Narti." He said with a giant smile on his face. They four half-breed greeted them, with smiles.

" so your the ones who were nice to keith then." Ezor questioned.

" yup thats us." Hunk said scratching the back of his head. Ezors expression changed into a giant smile and hugged coran and hunk.

" sorry to intrude the moment but we got to go." Acxa stated.

"yeah we got some crushing to do" Zethrid said whilst a wicked smile grew on her face.

Narti nodded in agreement and picked up her cat then waved her tail as a signal keith nodded and said" it was nice meeting two again, cant say the same about the rest. Bye guys!" He said whilst running off with the others.

We all just stood there shocked.

" who were those guys. And what was that type of armour does that represent?"lance questioned.

Alluras eyes widend as if she knew someting, " those uniforms are galra. But not your normal galra uniform. Its Lotors generals uniform..."

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