chapter 13

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This is not going to be a very good chapter due to writers block.
Or it !might be we never know.
Anyways just don't expect some good stuff in this chapter.
I have no ideas either so just roll.with it.

So sorry for the late update.
I'm a lazy person.

Lotor's team have been slowly building up an alliance with small parts of the Galra empire.
They usually said one of the Galra cruisers and take over the ship. They then go to the leader and form an alliance. They have taken over a whole quadrant of Galra run areas. Now they are part of the alliance.
Team Voltron on the other hand weren't having the same luck as them. Every time they went to create their alliance Lotor and his generals would already be there.
At this point the whole known universe knows about Lotor and his generals. They also knew that there seemed to be a rivalry when it came to them and Voltron.
And to be honest with you, Lotor and his generals were the universe's favourite.
They were known to be able to the job with no errors, be harsh to enemies and yet they don't leave a single prisoner behind.
It was them who found Matt who had been held in one of Zarkon's main cruisers due to him being a rebel spy. Obviously, they brought him to Pidge and the rest of Voltron. Pidge and Hunk didn't thank them enough but the others were salty, due to them being better.
Every time Voltron claimed they had saved a certain planet or area, the locals\wittness would call them out on their lies and tell who the real hero's were.
This annoyed Voltron as they were slowly losing fans. And thus began the rivalry of the two.
As the rilvary got bigger, Voltron and Keith became distant meaning he didn't speak to them as much.
He slowly became closer with every one ,.especially Lotor.

Lotor and Keith have slowly been getting closer and there has been a few times they almost confessed to each other.


Lotor walked down the ships many hallways. He stopped when he heard someone call his name.
"Lotor!" They called. Lotor turned around to see Keith running down the hallway in his blade of mamora suit.
"Ahh Keith. You back and well, I see."
Keith smiled and hugged Lotor. "Well I couldn't die yet. Could i?"
Lotor chuckled "certainly not. Who would I kis -kick in the ass when training? "Lotor stuttured. 'nice save, Lotor ' he thought to him self.
Keith blushed slightly at Lotor stuttering. "Well why don't I prove you wrong?"
" Okay. Best out of three hand to hand combat. " Lotor suggested.
"Deal!" Keith said " bring it on bitch! "


Lotor and Keith were in fighting stance, fist raised and lips pursed.
Lotor waited for Keith to strike, but he didn't budge. Lotor for impatient and ran full speed at Keith. Keith luckily dodged Lotor's feeble attack, which causes Lotor to stumble.perfect. Keith thought. He ran towards Lotor and kicked him in the back.

(Lotor's pov)

Keith was not beating me today. I quickly recovered from his kick and swung at him. Keith dodged.swiftly but I kept attacking. I knew that he would play defence for long, so I just waited it out.
Keith swing at me only to !early miss. It was obvious he was angry.
"Getting tired, little blade?"
Keith's face flushed red. But that didn't stop him from kicking me in the stomach.
"J-just shut it , princey!"
I raised an eyebrow with a slight smirk. "Oh is kitten angry?" I mocked .
That's when I saw Keith snap and took out his blade and ran at me. I had enough time to block his attack with my sword. I pushed him off me, making him stumble.
I had enough time to knock his blade out of his hand. He stood there confused and tilted his head to the side, obviously confused. I chuckled.
He once again ran up to me with rage.

(Keith's pov)

Stupid lotor. Stupid lotor and his stupid perfect face! And his stupid sculpted abs!!! Uhggggg!
I ran up to him aiming for his sharp jawline. I missed. He dodged effortlessly, making me fall.
Before I hit the floor Lotor grabbed my arm and lifted me up. He put one arm under my back tilting me back slightly, causing me to blush.
"Can't have you hurting yourself. Now can we little blade." He said with the same devilish smirk on his face as always.
This only caused me to blush even harder.

(Readers pov)

Lotor noticed Keith's blushing. So he decided to do one of the riskiest things he has ever done.
Lotor leaned down towards Keith and softly connected their lips. Keith squirmed under Lotor's touch but quickly melted into the kiss.
Keith rapped his arms around Lotors neck.As Lotor placed his hands on Keith's hips.
Lotor traced Keith's bottom lol asking for entrance. Keith denied. Lotor didn't take no as an answer so he not down on Keith's lip causing him to gasp.
Lotor took this opportunity and explores the new domain. Keith and Lotor fought for dominance. Lotor won.
They had a heated kissing session until the alarms went off, signalling for them to go the main deck.
Lotor pulled away first to see a red Keith, gasping for air.
"Guess I won. Didn't I little blade?" Lotor mocked before turning to go to the control room. And leaving a.blushing Keith frozen in place.

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