chapter eight

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The paladins called the blades. Kolivan appeared on the screen. But he wasn't alone. Lotor and his generals were there, including Keith.
  The all stood there in shock as Keith and lotors generals stared back at us snarling. Kolivan spoke up" you may enter but I am afraid I will have to do both of your meetings at one because I am a VERY busy man. "
The paladins all nodded and shut off the call.
The paladins slowly flew to the base in the red lion. The mice were left to tend to the castle because Coran wanted to hug Keith.

(Hunk pov)

We got to the base and Kolivan greeted us. We made it to the meeting room. I saw Keith talking to Acxa. They were laughing. They kind of look similar hmmmmmmmmm?
I mean they are both emo... Oh well.

I saw Keith look up and a giant smile formed on his face. Lotor and his generals walked up to us. I looked at Lotor and Keith. Lotor seemed to be standing very VERY close to Keith. He seemed to be protective of him. I noticed him always looking at Keith. As if he checked he was okay.
I also noticed a thin pink colour laces on his cheeks. He was blushing. He was BLUSHING!!!

Anyways, the tension was very bad. I decided to lighten the mood. I opens my back and pulled out a box. I saw Acxa and Marti getting into a fighting stance. They must of thought it was a weapon. " don't worry they are just cookies " I said.
I opened the box and we were all but from the smell from the chocolate chip cookies. I saw Keith face light up.
" I made these cookies because I know that these are Keith favourite. " I said smiling.
Keith reached towards the box. " ahaha" I said" you get them if you give me and Coran a hug. "
Keith published and have me and Coran a big hug. It was the best group hug.

After the hug every one grabbed a cookie, even Kolivan.

Once the cookies were gone, shiro,allura,coran,Lotor and Kolivan walked off to try and create a coalition. That left Lotors generals and me, lance and pidge. We didn't know what to do but Keith piped up" wanna spar? " he asked. Acxa, ezor, Zethrid and Marti nodded in agreement. Soon that ment we were kind of forced into doing it.

Once we arrived at the training room. Lotors generals were buzzing. They saw all of the weapons on the walls. Keith pulled out his mamora blade and then it turned into his longer blade. Acxa picked up a sword so did Ezor, Zethrid and Narti. It was obvious we were going to sword fight. We all took out our Bayard and the turned into swords. We learnt how to make different weapons containing on day.
We split off.
I was against Ezor.
Pidge with acxa.
Narti and Zethrid.
And of course Keith challenged lance.

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