Chapter four

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   Keith had been on Lotors ship for a few days now. He has been trapped in the cell for that whole time. Lotor visits him every day. Making sure he is he is well fed and rested. He would bring Keith some clothes and new bed sheets. Lotor sometimes even talks to Keith about almost every thing. And to be honest Keith loved spending time with lotor as he made him feel safe.

Keith found it strange that lotor was nice to him. I mean he liked it better than being tortured. But it was strange. Keith didn't trust him. He couldn't. I mean he was the enemy. But he was so kind, so caring. Lotor feels more like Keith family in a few days than the paladins in six months. Keith did trust him a little, just a smidge. But he had to escape... Didn't he?

He would gain the trust of lotor. Lotor would eventually trust him and then let him out of his sight. Then BAM. He would run to the hanger and then he would go to the blades. BOOM.


Keith was bored in his cell so he decided to put his plan in action. 

"LOTOR!!!" He screamed down the hall.



Lotor came up to the door" you called my name?"

"wait so you answer to lotion?!" Keith snorted.

"n-no" lotor huffed."anyways what do you want?"

"I was wondering if I could do some training?" Keith asked, hoping lotor would say yes.

"well , sure. As long as you dont kill me." Lotor stated.

"yes thank you lotor" Keith ran up and gave lotor the biggest hug." Let me just get my blade and mamora suit."

He stopped hugging lotor. Pushed him out of his cell so he could get change. Once he was done. He came out of the cell, to be met by lotor surprisingly warm smile. Lotor took keith hand and took him to the training deck. The deck looked like the one in the castle but was dark purple and black. 

 Should I kill him? Was all he thought. No he has been nice to me so I shall spare his life. 

Lotor was setting up with his back turned to Keith. This was his chance. Keith grabbed his blade and bolted. 

He ran down the hall, towards the hangers so he could escape. He didn't know where he was going. He just ran and ran. He just let his instincts lead him to wherever he was going. He reached a large door, he thought it would look like a hanger door so he opend the door. Once the door was open , he saw a bunch of ships. He was going to escape!!! He ran to the closest ship and ran to the cockpit. He was just about to sit down when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

The hand felt strong and familiar? This made a shiver go down Keith spine. The hand got a tighter grip on Keith shoulder. The hand roughly turned Keith round to face him. Keith was face to face with Lotor. He looked furious and yet there was some sort of pain in his eyes. Lotor put a syringe in Keith neck and then he blacked out. Lotor caught Keith as he was falling. He picked him up, bridal style and carried him out of the ship. He walked to his control room to be met by his four generals, axca, ezor, zethrid and narti. They all looked at the sleeping half-breed.

"so this is the one you always talk about" Ezor mocked.

"Yes Ezor, he is a half breed, I think he will come in useful." Lotor stated. " he has a strong will. He tricked me into letting him out of his cell , then when i had my back turned he ran towards the hangers. Luckily i was able to catch him."

"impressive." Axca said raising and eyebrow. " I cant believe he tricked you, I mean your supposed to be the trickster." 

Zethrid was exited to train the half-breed but was unsure because he looked so small." Are you sure he can go through our training?" She questioned.

"well if he was able to gain my trust and was able to defeat all the centuries he went past whilst he was running , I'm sure he can handle the training."

Narti nodded in agreement( she couldn't speak due to being mute). But Lotor knew what she meant by the nod. "Ezor and Narti , go get his new armour ready." Lotor demanded. They obliged and went to go get Keith new armour.

" Acxa, make his quarters ready and Zethrid ,get the training room ready "lotor said. Zethrid walked out of the room whilst lotor placed Keith on a chair. Acxa walked up to lotor. 

"Sir, how are you so sure that Keith will agree to all of this?" She questioned.

Lotor found it amusing how Acxa questioned his logic." Well I have been, I guess you could say 'spying', on Keith and I have seen how Voltron treats him. Its disgusting, I mean they just outcast him, shout at him and neglect him. He is deprived of love. His so called family have been nothing but mean to him. So as soon as he see we care about him he will know its true and will trust us. Plus I have been nothing but nice to him lately and he trusted me. And I know this because he didn't try to kill me when he was escaping instead he just ran. And when I found him he didn't try to kill me he just looked like he was sorry for running away. So he has some sort of trust in me and soon in all of my generals." Lotor said smiling.

Acxa was impressed by Lotors statment " Once again you amaze me sir, ill go sort out his chamber." She said and left the room.

"now when you wake up, we will be your new family and Voltron will pay for what they did to you."

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