Chapter five

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  Keith pov

I woke up in a strange room. It wasn't a cell. It was more of a bedroom. There was a bed , a desk, a wardrobe and a door to a bathroom. There was also a door to the outside of the bedroom. I was too busy looking around the room , that I didn't realise someone was watching me. 

Once I realise I tried to reach for my blade but it wasn't there...

"shit" I muttered under my breath. I got up and got into a fighting stance. The figure came out of the shadows, it was one of Lotors general. She had my knife! 

" dont worry I'm not here to hurt you. " she said." My name is Acxa." She held out a hand for me to shake. I shook her hand and she smiled. I smiled back.

" okay so, since we know what Voltron has done to you we are offering you a place as one of Lotors general. We want you on our team. So you can be part of our family." She said standing up. " so do you except?" She asked.

I thought for a moment. I mean I never felt like Voltron was my family, because of what they did to me. They shouted at me, called me names and Allura even physically abused me because of I was Galra. Shiro betrayed me so many time but I tried to keep hope. 

Hunk  and coran were usually nice to me. But they were forced into bullying me too. They didn't even stand up. I understand why though I mean prices Allura always gets what she wants.

" I except." I said , slightly smiling at the fact I get a new family.

" great" she said." Now follow me. Lets get you your armour." And with that we walked out of my room down to the armoury. 

Once I finished getting in my new armour. I felt amazing. It was beautiful. There was a blackish\ grey under suit. On top was the amour it was alloy like paladin armours but had a black base colour for the chest plate with hints of oranges and purple. It had some sort of symbol in purple in the middle of the chest plate. The boots were same design as paladin armour just with a black under layer and hints of oranges and blue\purple.

The armour was built a little more masculine for me. Because I finally got BIG muscles. I looked at myself in the mirror and actually felt comfortable in the armour. I felt almost at home being part of Lotor team. 

All of lotors generals filed into the room. Now I could finally get a good look at them.

Acxa was a pale blue. With dark blue hair. She had a human structure. She was the shortest out of the generals. She kind of looked like a blue human. She held a blaster in her hand. She looked very strong willed and stubborn.

The one next to her was pink. She had Galra ears though. She had a long hair type ponytail coming from the top of her head . She had a curvy build. She had yellow and blue\purple markings running along her head. She was around the same height as Acxa. She looked bubbly and rather hyper. Her name was Ezor. 

The one who was standing close behind her was Zethrid. I have a feeling they are together... I mean awwwww. She was very tall. She had a bulky build and looked like she could kill a grizzly bear with her bare hands. She was a medium colour of purple. She had fluffy ears popping from the side of her head. They looked like cat ears. She had bright yellow eyes with slit pupils. She wore a toothy grin. She looked strong and yet looked immature.

Lastly, was a mysterious hooded figure. She had no eyes and what seemed to be a mouth? She looked mute. She had a long lizard like tail. She had the same build as Ezor but a bit curvier. She wore the same armour as the other but seemed to have a hood attached to it. I wonder if I could modify my armour? Hmmm? Anyways she had a space cat sitting on her shoulder. It seemed to be her way if seeing. I thought it was cool. She had a freeking cat that helps her see! She looked mysterious and dangerous. Her name was Narti.

(sorry for the bad description)

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(sorry for the bad description)

They looked like the epic squad. I started doubting if I was going to fit in. But then I was dragged into a giant group hug.

(lotor pov)

We could all sense Keith being doubting about if he would fit in. So I nodded at them. And we engulfed him in a giant group hug. We all felt him ease and we saw him smile. 

I handed Keith his blade and we started training all together. 


After a few hours of training I saw who Keith seemed to have bonded with most. To my surprise it was Narti. He seemed to understand by what she meant with her signals and body language. He seemed to have bonded with her cat too. It was nice to see Narti happy for once. Acxa, Exor and Zethrid looked just as shocked as I did as we watched Keith and Narti sitting criss cross on the floor drinking from water pouches(space Capri suns). We laughed and took a few photos before we were getting chased down by the two because we embarrassed them.

We all agreed that Keith belongs here

We all agreed that Keith belongs here

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He is part of our family.

A/n- i really don't understand why Keith is so short here. Imagine him taller, almost their height.

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