chapter ten

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    Keith woke up to the feeling of being trapped. He looked down and found a large Galra arm draped over him. He turned to his side to find Lotor spooning him...
"Ahhhhh" he screamed, falling out of bed.
Lotor got up and looked over the edge of the bed. He looked downright a smirk on his face.
"Lotor what the hell!?" Keith screamed.
" its not my fault keithy~" Lotor slyly stated.
"What! But you were freaking using me a a cuddle buddy!" Keith said getting up.
" You were the one who cuddled up to me last night."
"What why would I do that!?" Lotor just chuckled.
" because you were" cold". " Lotor said air quoting cold.

Keith just sighed a this. He got up and asked" why would I cuddle you because was 'cold'".
"Well we did have to tranquilizer you because you almost killed lance so you probably still had the drug in you system." Lotor chuckled.
"And you went along with it?!"
" Well yes you seemed.fine with it so I decided to join in but I want the one who started cuddling first~"
Keith just stared at lotor side eyed. He huffed and walked out of the room to go to his roo., With a thin dusted pink creeping over his cheeks.


Every one was training, as per usual. When the got a call from the paladins.

They accepted the transmission.

Allura and every one else appeared on the screen. They looked sad and that is when Keith realised Pidge want there.

"Where is pidge?!" He almost screamed.

" She.for taken buy a half an ship when we were caught of gaurd. " Allura said whilst looking at the floor.

" Lotor we need to get her back. " Keith pleaded. " if the paladins can't save her then we can. "

Lotor sighed but agreed.

They needed the transmission before the paladins could say anything and headed toward the hangers.

"She is probably on my farthest ship, as she is the paladin of voltron" Lotor stated.

Every one nodded. On The way to Zarkons ship they thought of a plan. Acxa and Ezor will scope.out a kill any centuries. Zethrid will stay in the ship because she will destroy anything in her path so it was best she stay on the pod.
Narti, lotor and Keith will find pidge. Keith will get her whilst Narti and Lotor stand watch.
And boom.


Every thing went as planed.


Lotor , Narti and Keith ran down the halls. They arrived at Pidge cell and saw her sitting in a corner handcuffed.
"Pidge!?" Keith ran up to her.
" omg Keith your here" she sobbed hugging Keith once the cuffs were off.
"I'm so sorry for everything I did. Your like a brother to me-"
"Pidge calm down. I forgive you." Keith whipped Pidge tears away.

They ran down the hall. They didn't realise that one of Haggars druids was following.
"Keith look out !" Pidge screamed.
Keith got hit by a blast of lighting. He grunted as he didn't want to show he was weak.
He got up and pulled out his mamora blade, unseating it to it full size, and ran towards the druid.

Every time Keith would swing a hot the druid would disappear. Keith was becoming fatigued and his hits were becoming sloppy. The druid used this to its advantage and shot Keith with a bolt of lightning.
Keith screamed as the lighting crossed through his veins. As one last thing before Keith blacked out and stabbed the druid in the chest causing it to hit hit the ground a disappear into nothing.

Lotor ran up to Keith and picked him up checking for a pulse. Faint but there was still one there. He picked up Keith bridal style and carried him on board.
They would bring Pidge to the paladins and put Keith in the altean healing pods.

They journey to the castle.of lions was awkward.But Pidge would eventually talk about science or something which actually interested them. Other than lotor.
He was to busy looking at the sleeping keith. His raven locks draped upon his face. His long eyelashes tracing his cheeks. And his peaceful look on his face. It wasn't his usual brow furrowed angry kitten look more a happy look.
But seeing this just made Lotor think of keith even more of a kitten. He didn't know why just something about his aura.


Once they got to the castle of lions Lotor took Keith to the med bay. Obviously the paladins thanked Lotor and his generals multiple times.

"Coran how long will it be" Lotor asked. startling coran the gorgeous man a bit.

"Half a varga ,my boy" he replied , happy as ever.

Lotor sighed as a response. He gaze addicted to keith. He had a pained expression on his face.another nightmare? Lotor though.

  About half a varga passed and every one was gathered around the pod.
A small hissing sound escaped. Every turned to see Keith calling lump out of the pod. Luckily Lotor caught him in his arms. Keith looked up slightly, obviously still out of it.

"G'morning" he said almost as a whisper.
Every one laughed at Keith state. They all have Keith a big group hug even Zethrid.
"Sooooooooooo" Keith yawned" who want to watch a movie ? "
Every one nodded and made their way to the lounge.

They all decided to watch avenger endgame because why not.

About half way through the movie Pidge was on her computer. Hunk eating snacks whilst engrossed in the movie. Lance was in tears because of Black widows death. Shiro and Allura were just sitting in silent obviously holding back tears. Coran was just laughing the whole way through as he thought this was a comedy.

Ezor and Zethrid were snuggled together sharing popcorn. Acxa was swearing because she thought endgame would of never of happend as.long as Peter quill didn't become all emotional. Narti had her tail wrapped around her legs whilst hold the cat.

Then there was Lotor and Keith. Keith was resting his head on lotors shoulder. And Lotor resting his chin on Keith head.Keith was basically sitting on Lotor lap. And was completely oblivious to Lotor consistency blushing.

At some point the movie and ended and very one turned to see lotor and Keith fast aleep. WIth Lotor craddling Keith in his arms.

Every one just stared in awe. The them as it would be funny to see the reaction tomorrow.

Pidge took a quick photo to use as black mail. And labels it as it own file named
'bonding moment'.

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