Chapter 17

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      Keith let out a small gasp. He turned around to face the all too known voice.
There stood Zarkon.
He walked into the light. Keith finally got a good look of him. He had a strange new armour on, instead of the usual red/purple armour he had midnight black. And he held a new type of sword. The sword was built like the mamoras blades but around 10 times bigger and looked like it could cut you in half in one swipe.
"your little encounter with the witch impressed me half-breed." Zarkons voice boomed.
Keith didn't say a word. He just got into fighting stance.
Zarkon raised an eyebrow. " so eager to loose already." he laughed. Once again Keith said nothing. He wanted this to be over and done with.
" Zarkon stepped closer to Keith, exaiming his stance." I can see why my son picked you. Too bad. I really wanted you over for dinner. "
Zarkon charged at Keith, swinging his sword around. Keith dodged every swing. It was obvious he was going to have to play defence.
Zarkon had obviously trained and got stronger at his swings were harsh and fast. And it want whereing him out. Keith just had to stick to playing defence a little longer...
Zarkon wasn't getting tired. But Keith was. His actions were getting sloppy and Zarkon could tell.
Zarkon smirked at the thought of defeating the ex-red paladin. This thought only caused him to swing even harsher. But to his shock his swing was blocked by Keith blocking his sword with his blade.
Zarkon growled and pushed harder, so Keith was now lying on the ground trying to keep Zarkons blade from piercing his skin.
Keith was using all his strength and so was Zarkon. Which surprised him as he didn't know the half-breed could be so strong. But this would not stop him.
Keith's breath hitched as he felt Zarkon used more force. This was it.  He was going to die.
"once I'm finished with you, lotor is next..." Zarkon sneered.
Keith snapped. His eyes narrowed and  his teeth grew sharper.
"fuck off!" Keith threw Zarkon across the room. His back slamming against the wall.
He stood to get a better look at Keith who was now brushing himself off. His eyes glowed a slight yellow and we're slits. His Teath were sharp. And his skin a lilac tint to it. He stood their speachless and yet amazed by Keith's appearance.
He shook the thoughts out of his head and got back in the game. He only just realised Keith was nowhere to be seen. His eyes scanned the room. But have not found the missing half-breed yet...
He did a 180 to all of a sudden find himself pinned up against a wall. He let out a confused growl. How on earth did such a small creature do this?
That thought ran around his mind until he felt a sword push through his armour, getting closer to his skin. He let out a loud sigh and reached for his sword.
Zarkon plunged his sword into Keith's right shoulder. Keith screamed out in agony. Dropping to the ground on his knees, clutching his shoulder.

(with lotor)

Lotor wandered down the everlasting halls, searching for his father.
He had some sort of gut feeling that something was wrong. And something is not going to end well. But he just pushed it down and carried on searching.
He was enjoying the silence, until he got a transmission from Acxa, Ezor, Zethrid and Narti.
He sighed and pickled up.
"what's the report?" he said some what annoyed.
There was a long pause before Acxa spoke up"have you heard from Keith? " fear riddled in her shake voice.
Lotor sucked a huge breathe" no I thought he was with you. "
" well you see. He was supposed to meet us here an half an hour ago. And his communications is off line. " Ezor stated.
His breathe hitched. His heat pace quickend.. And his hand came closer to his blade.
" have the paladins heard from him? " lotor asked.
" no, sir. They are all abord the castle of lions waiting for us. " Acza said.
" well then. You four get to the ship. I will find Keith. If I'm not back in an hour.... Well. You know..."
"of course sir." all said, other that narti of course.
Lotor put the communication device away. And sighed. Keith so help me-

A scream.

That very sound made lotor walk towards it as he knew who it belong to.


(with Keith)

Keith felt Zarkon pull the blade out of his shoulder. Zarkon knelt down to Keith's level. Wich only made Keith uncomfortable because he knew Zarkon was prolonging his death.
Zarkon traced his sword over Keith's cheek. Keith closed his eyes waiting for death but felt Zarkon carve into his cheek.
Keith let out another scream. He tried to scoot away, but Zarkon had Keith in his grasp. Wanting Keith to feel this pain.
He went agonising slow. Making Keith wish he was dead. Zarkon made sure to make the scare was big enough to see from a far. So everyone would know that he did this to Keith before slowly killing him.
He slightly smirked. Looking down at his accomplishment. He saw Keith reach for his face and touch the scar. He winced a little.
To Zarkon surprise, Keith stood. He grabbed his blade a charged at Zarkon as he would not die an unhonerable death.
He kicked. He punched. He slashed. He stabbed. He dodged. He stayed strong.
Keith could feel Zarkon confusion. He smiled at this. He liked it. He loved it. The great emperor Zarkon confused by a half-breed. Amazing.
Keith was about to take the final blow when Zarkon grabbed his wrist. This action made Keith drop his blade.
Zarkon grabbed Keith's jaw and lifted his up in the air.
Keith struggled against Zarkon grasp. Slowly loosing his energy. But he wouldn't stop. He felt himself being pushed up against the wall. Mad suddenly felt a cold sharp object peirce his skin. He screamed once more as it went deeper and deeper.
All he saw was Zarkon lifeless eyes staring back at him.
Zarkon was about to push the blade in when he suddenly stopped. His hand let go of the blade and he drooped to the floor.
There stood lotor. Glorious as ever. His hair shined in the purple light. Making Keith believe he had some hope left.
Lotor ran to Keith aid and gently pulled the sword out. Keith whimper a little.
"shhhh. It's okay, little red. Your okay. I just need you to stay awake for me okay?"
Keith only nodded as he felt a pair of arms scoup him up and carry him as if he was a bride.
"Acxa." loto called though the communication decice. "get a healing pod ready I have Keith. He's in bad shape."
All you could hear for the other line was "yes, sir"


Lotor walked down the castle of lions corridor, with Keith still in his arms barley conscious.
He arrived in the med bay. And place Keith in a healing suit and quickly rushed him over to the healing pod.
"h.... Hey lotor?"
"yes little red?"
"I.... I love you."
The pod door closed sealing Keith in, sending him into a deep sleep.
"I love you too..."


Lotor waited for weeks. He wasn't sure if Keith was going to make it. And he wasn't sure he even heard what he said. I love you too. I love you too. I love you too.
He wanted to say that a thousand times more. He just wanted Keith to be happy.
It wasn't that long ago that they were told about his poor condition. His heart beet barley beeting. And pulse barley there.
"oh Keith... Please come back me." he muttered under his breath.
Lotor felt tears prick in his eyes"i.... I can't loose you... "
Lotor felt warm tears roll down his cheeks. He could t stop it. He just kept crying and crying.
He was soon inturpted as a small hissing sound came from behind him.
Keith fell into lotors arms.
" L-Lotor? " Keith cracked out.
" hush little red, you're safe now."


anyways, hope you enjoyed my fanfic "your safe now"
Hope you enjoyed and thanks for all the love and support!
I didn't know how to end and was running out of ideas so sorry if it want the ending you wanted...


You're safe now...(Keitor)Where stories live. Discover now