chapter six

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Lotors pic

I walked in to the lounge to find everyone relaxing. Acts and Zethrid were arm wrestling. Ezor was doing yoga, aka showing off to everyone how flexible she is. I looked over to find Keith and Narti sitting next to each other. Keith was showing Narti( well the cat) something on his communicator , with a dorky smile on his face. Anne you could see by the cats expression and Narti body language she was engrossed at the video. I smiled at the scene. Feeling a blush go across my face. Shit. I had to stop this.

" guys we have to train,now" I said. They all shot me a look of annoyance. They all groaned and got up and started walking towards the door. I silently thanked myself and followed behind.


It has been about an hour of training. Keith was dualing with Acxa. Ezor was practising her moves. Whilst Zethrid was trying to block her attacks. Narti was working on using her tail to her advantage. I just finished defeating the robots. "Okay, let's finish for the day." I said.

Zethrid stopped and helped Ezor up. Narti stoped and walked toward me. Keith and Acxa stoped and have each other a fist bump before walking toward me.

I smiled and spoke up" okay so we have news that the blade of mamora have cut off the deal with Voltron due to what they did to Keith. " I smiled" they no longer trust them because of what they did to Keith because they think of him as their pack. Do I if they hurt Keith they hurt their family. "

I could see Keith smile at thinking about the blade of mamora. We all have Keith a smile, as we knew we would get the blades on our side. " Okay so tomorrow we shall go to the blades base and get them to join OUR coalition. " I said. "Now everyone get some sleep"

They all walked off. But Keith walked up to me and said" lotor"

"Yeah keith?" I asked.

" I just wanted to thank you. For excepting me into your family... It just i never felt so safe before and I don't know if you guys actually like me and if I fit in and if I belong here-" I put my hand over his mouth" Keith your rambling... "I said in a calming tone. " oh thank lotor. " he said giving a cute smile " your the nicest person I know" then he hugged me. Not a quick hug but a more of i long and sincere hug. He muzzled into my chest" thank you Lotor" and with that he walked off.

(With the paladins)

"Okay guys, tomorrow we shall try and get out alliance with the blade of mamora back." Shiro said.

" okay so let's get some sleep paladins" Allura said. And with that they went to sleep.

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