Chapter two

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      Shiro made his way to Keith room. He opend the door and saw an empty room. He panicked and searched the room. Nothing. He spotted a note on Keith bed and it read.

Dear paladins,

I'm going to the blade of mamora. They offered me a place there. They understand my situation. Hunk, make sure you dont cook the whole kitchen. I'm going to miss your cooking. Your one of my best friend , stay safe.Pidge , make sure the technology doesn't attack . stay a nerd. Your the little sister I never had so stay safe. Lance, we were never 'rivals' I always saw you as a good friend. Stay stupid. Allura, your one the most amazing people I know. Stay beautiful. Coran, I love your moustache. I will grow a moustache one day. And its true you are a gorgeous man.

Lastly, Shiro. You were always a brother to me. But now, I feel as if I disappointed you and you disappointed me. I'm sorry for being a fuck up. I'm sorry. I love you. Shiro ill miss you the most.

You know what scrap all that. Nine of you ever were nice to me. Allura you physically abused me because of my blood. Lance you were always evil towards me. pidge you were nice but you could be a bitch when you wanted to be. 

Hunk , you never really did anything wrong. You felt like a true friend. Coran same goes to you. You were nothing but nice to me. I think you two were probably more like a family than anyone could ever be.

Shiro, you WERE a brother to me. But ever since you found out about me being Galra you have been so cruel. I became depressed because of my own brother hating me.

So fuck all of you( other than Hunk and Coran):)


Shiro eyes were filling with tears. He broke down. He screamed at the top of his lungs.

All of the others filed in the room and saw Shiro crying. Then they saw the letter. Pidge red it out loud and soon they were all crying. "how about we call the mamora and see Keith?" Coran suggested. They all walked towards the control room and  rang the blade of mamora base.

Kolivan appeared on the screen. 

"hello, paladins" Kolivan greeted. 

Allura spoke" hello, has Keith arrived at the base yet?"

"no princess, he was supposed to of arrived two hours ago." Kolivan said , with a hint of worry.

Every one just stared. Coran spoke up" how about we look at the security footage in the pod he took?"

"great idea, coran" Allura said.

Coran suddenly started typing. Then a video was on the screen. He pressed play so every one, including Kolivan, could watch.

In the video.

Keith sat in the seat, half asleep. His face looked tear stained. His hair was as fluffy as ever but it was a tad messy. He was wearing his mamora suit and had his dagger in his right hand. He slow.y closed his eyes, about to go to sleep, then sirens went off. He bolted up from his seat and pressed a few button. He started steering the ship dodging what seemed to be GALRA SHIP LAZERS. Keith seemed to be struggling to move his ship. It seemed as if something was pulling him back.

"shit." Was all you heard form keith.

Suddenly the pods door burst open. Keith jumped back. He turned around only to be met with Galra centuries and no e other than the galra prince himself...


Keith obviously didn't go without a fight he destroyed all the Galra centuries whilst lotor just stood their watching Keith... With an almost amused look on his face. And a slight blush across his face. 

Once Keith finished the centuries he turned toward lotor. He lunged at him putting his blade to lotor throat. Lotor whispered something in his ear. That made Keith get out of his murderous state and just look almost scared yet confused at what lotor said. Before Keith could do anything. Lotor stabbed Keith in the neck with a syringe. Keith fell backwards. And stumble a little bit before blacking out. 

Lotor picked him up bridal style and carried Keith out of the pod. And towards (most probably) a cell.

They all stood there shocked.  Keith had just been taken by the Galran prince


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