chapter nine

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Every one was sparing. They all seemed to be enjoying it and not taking it seriously, other than Keith and lance.
Keith wanted vengeance to all that lance had done to him. He wanted pay back for all the things he said. For all the abuse. For all the pain and torture. He wanted lance to feel what he did.
Lance wanted to apologise for all he did to Keith. He knew it was bad. He knew he was mean. He knew he fucked up real bad.

(Lances pov)

I felt bad for all I did to Keith. I wanted to apologise. I wanted make things right. But I swear I saw Keith have a flicker of vengeance in his eyes. I felt shivers down my spine. It was obvious Keith wouldn't forgive me anytime soon.
I saw his eyes go smaller as if the were cat eyes slits. Whilst I was distracted looking at his eyes a felt a hand collide with my stomach. I fell back and landed on my back on the cold metal floor. My sword flew to the other side of the arena.
I saw every stop the fight and just watched me. That when I felt a cold presence.
Keith was standing over me.

(3rd person)

Lance tried to scatter away from Keith. He stood up searching for his sword. He couldn't see it anyway. He looked at Keith and saw his sword in one hand and Keith mamora blade in the other. Keith had a evil glint in his eyes as he slowly walked towards Lance. He had the 'I'm going to murder you' look in his eyes.

Keith lunged towards lance. Lance was now on the floor. Keith now had his knees either side of lance. He had his mamora blade to his neck. Keith was about to slit lance throat but he hesistated.

Lance took this opportunity to knock his sword out of keith hand. He threw Keith off him hoping he could get away. He grabbed his sword and got ready. Keith got back up and snarled at lance.

Lance swore Keith pale skin have a purple tint to it. Keith ran toward lance and their swords collided. It was obvious to lance that Keith became stronger as he was easily overpowering lance.I

Keith kicked lance in the stomach making him fall back. Keith punched his lance has then kicked his stomach twice. Lance fell o the floor , clutching his stomach. Only to be lifted up and thrown across the room.

Lances back hit the wall with a loud thud. " ugh! "

Lance was now and the floor clutching his stomach. He looked up to see Keith slowly walking towards his with his teeth baring. He now has sharp canines and his deep violet eyes were slits.

Keith grabbed lance by the neck and lifted him off the ground. Lance gasped for air trying to pry Keith away. This made Keith only tighten his grip. He saw lance turn almost blue this made Keith smile.

Every one just stared at this scene. They couldn't move. Even Zethrid was shocked and she is the one with anger issues.

and that is when Lotor , Allura , shiro, coran and Kolivan ran in the room.

(Lotor pov)

We were walking down the hall to the training room. We had just formed a coalition. Kolivan said we would have is big coalition but he said he trust me !it's than the paladins because of what they did to keith. We were.just talking about the war and stuff when we heard a loud thud coming from the training room.

We ran into the room and were shocked. Every one was just standing there watching Keith who pinned lance to the wall turning him blue. I smiled slightly at the fact that Keith has grown stronger.

I looked back up to see Keith tighten his grip. Lance was trying to shove his hand off his neck. I slowly walked towards Keith calling out his name. He didn't listen. It was if he was in a trance state. As I creeper closer i saw Keith raise his mamora blade , ready to strike the final blow.

I ran towards Keith and ripped him off lance. I tackled him to the ground and pryed the sword out of his grip. I looked at keith. His eyes were slits and his canines were oddly long and I swear he had a purple tint to his pale skin. He squirmed under my grip.
"Keith snap out of it!" I yelled. It didn't work.

I looked over to see where everyone is. They were all huddled around lance. Trying to heal him. He doesn't deserve help, I thought.
"Acxa, Ezor grab the tranquilizer from the ship!" I yelled.
" On it! " they yelled. They ran out to the ship.

Whilst I was distracted, Keith somehow got out of my grip. He was running towards lance with his sword in his hand.
"Keith no!" I shouted. He didn't listen, but only got faster.
He was about to strike when he fell to the ground with a thud. I turned around to see Acxa holding the gun as if it just fired. I looked over to Keith to see Keith with a tranquilizer in his neck.

I ran over to keith. He was out cold. I checked his teeth, no more sharp canines.good. I picked Keith up bridal style.
" are you alright lance? " I asked.
"Yeah, I should of known he would do something like this. I kind of deserve it.haha" he said scratching the back of his neck. I nodded and smiled. I apologised to kolivan. He was okay with it all. He actually thought it was amusing because of how strong Keith was.
We said our goodbyes. I carried Keith to our ship with my other generals not far behind. I blushed slightly at sight of a sleeping keith. I felt Keith nuzzle into my chest and I couldn't help but smile.
"Its been a long day, how about we get some rest." I said. They all nodded and left.
I took Keith towards his room. I walked in and shiverd. It was way to cold. His room was cold and barely decorated. I knew why. Her doesn't want to become attached as he might think we will hurt him...

Anyways I took him to my room instead. He shifted in his sleep and let out a little whimper. It was obvious he was having a bad dream.
Once I got into my room i took off Keith armour and decided to leave his undersuit on. He woke up whilst I was carrying him to my bed.
"Ahhh" he helped almost falling out of my arms, but he stayed secure. " what are you doing? "
"Your room is too cold and not a.very happy room to wake u to so I decided you could sleep in my room." I told him whilst placing him in my bed.
" T-thanks lotor" he whispered. I swear I saw a slight blush creep in his cheeks. I just smiled. I started making a bed on the floor for me to sleep on when I was interrupted.
"What are you doing?" Keith wandered with an adorable. expression on his face.
"Making a bed for me to sleep in" i answered flatly. Too be honest I really want to sleep next to keith.
"You will get cold down there, come on I'll move over for you" he said whilst patting the bed. I obliged and settled down in the covers.
That when I felt Keith hold on to me. He buried his face into my chest and had his arm draped across my waist.
"U-huh Keith what are you doing" I asked with heat rising up to my face.
"I'm cold. So I'm cuddling you, stupid." He said flately.
" are you sure about this? "I wandered.
" just shut up and trust me. " he sighed. "I'll deal with the consequences in the morning."

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