chapter 12

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Okay so this chapter will be a little more Lotor x keith. So there will be some shipping in this chapter, since I have no ideas.
Anyways enjoy.

Lotor and his generals had just gotten off a stealth mission. Ezor had been injured on the mission so Zethrid was healing her. Acxa and Narti were putting together data. So that left Lotor and keith.
Keith was exhausted and Lotor was bored. So Lotor decided to do something relaxing. He remembered what Keith's room looked like. So he wanted to do something special for Keith. And spend time with him;)
"Hey keith."
" yeah Lotor? "
"Wanna do something coooooooool?" Lotor wandered.
" yeah sure. As long as it *yawn* doesn't make me more tired... "
Lotor chuckled " sure. Now let's goooooo! "
Lotor grabbed Keith's hand and pulled him of the couch. He dragged Keith along the hall and stopped in front of of Keith's bedroom door.
"Lotor, why are we at my bedroom?" Keith asked.
" well we are going to decorate your room! ".
" Wait! What? Why? "
" I remember seeing your room when I carried you to your room. And to be honest your room is crap. " Lotor sighed. " I mean you could at least have a red duvet. And some shelves. "
"Fine. We can decorate my room. But I don't know how I would..."
" how about we look at everyone else's room to get ideas! "Lotor suggested.
" that's great. I really want to see what Acxa's room looks like. "
"Awesome! Let's go!"
And with that Lotor grabbed Keith's hand and ran down the corridor.

The first room Lotor dragged Keith to was his own. Lotors room was massive. Of course it was. He was the leader of the ship. His room was different shades of purples and blues. The king size bed (well more like a long size bed times two) had deep purple silk bed set. It has an amazing detailed pattern at the head of the bed.
On the ceiling there was a black chandelier with blue and purple crystals, that sparkled in the light.
There was a huge glass window. That if you look out of you saw the star danced in spaces jet black shade.
There was a searing area, large vanity and piano. All in shades of Black , blue and purple.
And lastly, there was one door to a brightly lit bathroom(white and black colour scheme) and one more door to a walk in closer the size of Keith's bedroom( purple colour scheme).
"Holy shi-" Keith was cut off by Lotor covering his mouth with his hand.
"You have seen it before. Why are you so shocked?" Lotor asked.
" I never played attention to it before. Haha"
"Anyways next room" Lotor dragged Keith down the corridor.

The next room was Zethrid's. Well Zethrid's and Ezor's. Ezor moved all her stuff into Zethrid's due to it being bigger and they are couple.
They had a bed that was a bit smaller than a king size bed. It has a light blue duvet set. There was a pink fluffy blanket (obviously Ezor's) folded on the end of the bed. Each side had a bedside table. One side had a white bedside table with a white lamp and a book on meditation(Zethrid's side). The other side had a white bedside table and lamp too. With a few jewellery pieces and a photo of Zethrid and Ezor with a sliver frame(Ezor's side).
The walls were a plain white with a sliver backsplash wall behind the bed. Which created a tranquil feel to the room.
On Zethrid's side of the room, it was tidy and minimalistic. There was only two or three plants on show. There was also floating shelves such held books on meditation and how to be tranquil. There was also a dream catcher hanging upon her wall above her chest of drawers. Who knew she was so gentle and peaceful.
On Ezor's side of the room, it was cluttered and unorganized. Her chest of drawers had clothes scattered across and draws open. The floating shelves on her side had two books, a jar of sweets, electronics and a dying plant. She also had a yoga Matt rolled up in the corner. Who knew she was so messy.
"This room is awesome. I mean Why I knew Zethrid is so tranquil?" Keith blurted out.
" I know right. Now next room!! " and they were off.

The next room they went to was Acxa's. She had a double bed pushed up against the wall. She had a deep blue duvet set. Also a large white fluffy unicorn propped up against the wall. As one side of the bed was up against the wall there was only one bedside table. On that table was a white lamp and a her communicator charging.
She had a blue chest of drawers with a pink box of make up(eye liner and stuff). Also a framed picture of her and Lotor(they are best friends).
She had a desk and chair, in the colour black. She had her blaster sitting on the table. She also had writing material and a journal.
The walls were a pebble stone grey with a soft blue as her accent wall colour(on her desk wall). Above the desk she had a few kantana hanging upon the wall.
Keith stood in shock at Acxa's room. "She like unicorns!?!" He screamed. " Holy mother of f-"
" Keith calm down. Yes Acxa is kinda girly. Haha"
"Woah. This is so crazy yet amazing!!!" Keith was dumbfounded.
"Okay! Now for Narti's room!" And with that they were off.

Narti's room was almost spooky. It was very clean and organized. She had black walls and rainbow fairy lights above her bed. Her bed was up against the wall(single bed). She had jet black silk duvet set. With a deep purple fluffy blanket. There was a black chest of drawers. It has a few candles and insense sticks with different scents next to a box of matches.
She had a few floating shelves full of Cova's cat treats and toys. There was also her communicator on one of the shelves.
There was a shelving unit that had a stereo and CD's. There was also an aux cord and a bunch of head phones and a Mp3 player. She had a bunch of My Chemical Romance CD's out ready to play(one of the reasons why Keith is friends with Narti).
And lastly, there was a small corner with a cat tree and a car bed. But it was obvious Cova didn't use it much as the purple blanket on Narti's bed was covered it cat fur. If you looked further in the room you could see skill and Dragon ornament placed around the room.
"Okay, now this is a cool room! I !e an she has My Chemical Romance! I didn't even know you could get that in space!" Keith yelled .
"Narti's room for her is like a sanctuary for her so she can relax and so Cova has a break too." Lotor stated. " anyways, got so!e ideas for your room? "
"Hell yeah!" Keith grabbed Lotor's hand a ran down the hall. The whole way they were both blushing. But they were too oblivious to notice each other.


By the time They had finished Keith's room, he was half asleep. The whole time during the make over Lotor was blushing furiously as Keith was being so stupid.
Keith's room was set up like his room at the castle of lions. It was decorated with splashes of red and purple. He had red silk duvet set, with a purple hippo placed on top.
The walls were a plain white. He had white floating shelves such held books and other assortments , all in the colour scheme of red. He had a white desk and chair which held stationary and all his electronics. There was a few fake plants dotted around the room with plant pots in the colour red. There was a few useless things that Lotor had transferred from his room to Keith's so his room was less practical and more enjoyable. He brought in random paintings and other crap all in the colour purple.
The wardrobe was a plain white but was filled with red and purple. Lotor even decided to put one of his hoodies in Keith's wardrobe whilst Keith wasn't watching.
And lastly there was one plain wall which Keith was determined to place all the photos of him and his new family.

"Thank Lotor." Keith ran up and hugged him.
" u-u-uh ... Your welcome... " it was obvious he was blushing. "Hey keith-" Lotor was cut off by tiny snores coming from the smaller boy. Lotor smiled to himself and picked Keith up bridal style and carried him to his bed.
Lotor pulled Keith's duvet up to his shoulders. "Goodnight, Keith." Lotor placed a cheeky kiss on Keith Ford head and left the room, smiling.

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