Chapter 16

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Anyways this one is gonna be long one so grab some snacks.

Lotor and his generals stepped out onto the planets. They slowly approached the paladins.
They looked as if they just came from battle.
"oh my gosh! Guys what happens!?" Keith yelled.
The paladins looked up towards Keith "zarkin attacked the bulmira. We tried to save it but.... Its gone."  Allura spoke softly..
" does this mean shay is... Is gone?" Keith felt tears prick in his eyes.
"we know not of shay's where abouts. But we do know that her and her family were off the planet at the time." Coran stated.
Keith sighed in relief but still thought of all the lives that were lost. Lotor sensed this and decided to speak.
"do we have information of my father's coordinates?"
pidge piped up" yes. We found out he is going toward the fourth quadrant of this galaxy. "
" well then let's get a plan and destroy zarkon! " Keith said, with a glint of yellow shining in his eyes.
Lotor just laughed at his galran side showing as the paladins all stood back in fear. Leaving a confused Keith.


" Princess we are nearing the fourth quadrant. " Lotor stated over the communicator.
He could sense Keith's presence. "ahhh Keith. What are you in need of assistance of?"
Keith sighed "ummm well I need to ask you a question."
"anything little red."
"why did everyone step back earlier?"
Lotor let out a soft chuckle"oh little red. No need to overreact. It's just you had a yellow glint in your eyes earlier-your galra side was showing"
Keith looked down slightly. Lotor noticed and rushed over to hug him. " no need to worry little red. It's a good thing ist showing it means you are determined to win this war."
Keith buried his head further in lotors chest "thank you Lotor."
"any time little red."
They stood in each others embrace for a few minuits before alarms went off. Lotor muttered under his breath and walked up to the control pad. They had arrived.


"okay, so does everyone know the plan.?" lotor questioned. They all nodded.
The plan was that four of lotors general will be Sneaking around the ship whilst Keith would be on his own taking down gairds saving prisoners etc.
Whilst lotor would be searching for his father.
Whilst the paladins would be taking down enemy cruisers.
"okay, let's do this."


Lotor and his generals somehow got on the main Galran cruiser unnoticed.  They all split off in there required directions. Keith and Lotor walked together for a little while before they came by the imprisonment wing. Lotor gave Keith a quick kiss and left Keith to his own devices.

(keiths pov)

I walked down the long hallway and unlocked every cell that had someone in. I told them how to get the escape pods unnoticed and four half galrans will be waiting at the end of the hallways to protect them.
I walked down another hallway looking for anyone else left in cells. Once I was sure no one else was here I decided to walk around a little bit and see if I could find any information.

I reached the control centre of the ship. I decided it would be a good idea to go in and get some info.
I walked in and killed all the centuries.
Once they were all gone I looked for the head Galra. There was none. Strange...
I decided to ignore it, and got hacking.  Only using the tricks Pidge has taught me.

(tiny time skip)

I was almost finished when I felt a presence behind me. I reached for my blade. I did a 180 to face the presence but nothing was there....

I just ignored it and carried in but kept my guard up.  I finished the information gathering and went to get the USB stick, when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

(with lotor-his pov)

I looked every where. I mean everywhere. And couldn't find my father. I only ran into a few mere centuries but nothing too interesting.

I went into the throne room to find it empty... No centuries. No Galra. No Haggar. No Zarkon.
For some reason not having to fight someone gave me the chills. As if it was too easy and most likely a trap.
I sighed to myself and looked around the room for anyone or anything.

(with keith-readers pov)

Keith let out a soft gasp as he felt the hand in his shoulder. He had no time to turn around as he felt a wave of pain corse through his body. He let out a brocken scream. He fell to the ground. He finally had a good view of the attacker. Haggar...
She lowered her hand and that's when Keith knew she just did that to him. He snarled and got up on his feet. Reached for his blade and it transformed. He got into fighting stance. Haggar only cakcled at this. Keith ran towards her swinging his sword. The witch only telaportrd away evertime his swung his sword. She mocked him.
"Haggar just stop already!" Keith shouted, "you're not going to win"
"really paladin? Or should I say ex-paladin? You never fit in did you? You were always alone. And always will be." she mocked.
"stop, witch. You can't get under my skin. I won't let you.!"
She only laughed. "so you won't give up then?"
"not even if your dearest, Lotor, has to pay the price?"
Keith froze. How did she know. How? Why? What?
"I know everything, little red. I know Lotor doesn't love you. I know your a filthy half-breed. I know no one loves you. I know that your a burden to everyone. I know everything about you, Keith."
Keith fell to his knees. He knew what she said were true. He knew she was right. He knew no one loved him. He knew he was a burden. He knew that he should just die already.
Haggar walked over to him. She slowly lifted her arm, a purple orb forming." No one loved you, and no one ever will..."
" No!"
Keith raised his blade and struck the witch in her stomach. He got up on his feet.
His eyes were now slits and fangs were now visible.
He pushed the sword deeper into Haggars stomach. A smile creeping onto his face.
" you are wrong. You have always been wrong! Lotor does love me. Yes I am a half-breed. People do love me. I'm not a burden to anyone. You know nothing about me!"
Keith pushed the sword down one more time, making sure the witch was dead. He felt her body go limp. He took his blade out and gently placed Haggar on the floor. He ripped a piece of cloth off the end of her robe. Placing it over her eyes. To show that she had a noble death and was a noble apponent.
He got up and felt his teeth and eyes go back to normal.
He sighed and headed towards the door when he heard a voice.
"impressive, half-breed"

Only a few more chapters to gooooo.
Please be patiant when it comes to updates. I'm a lazy person.
Anyways hope you enjoyed and until next time byeeee

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