chapter seven

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  Lotors pov

We were going to be arriving at the blades base in about half an hour.
Every one is just chilling. I was in the pilot seat. Acxa and Ezor to my right , Narti and Keith on my left and Zethrid standing behind the seat.
We were approaching the base. Kolivan already knew we were coming because Keith contacted him. We were going to let him catch up with them and then we shall make the coalition.


We landed on the base. Kolivan was already outside. Keith ran up to him and have him a big hug. It was obvious that Kolivan had a soft spot keith. It was rather funny as when he was around other blades he was tough and cold. He always had a stone cold face and a mean aura that comes off him.
As soon as Keith is 100 yards of Kolivan he becomes instantly happier. He turns into a big marshmallow.

Once the hug was over we came up to Kolivan. He still had a giant smile on his face.

"It is so nice to see you, Kolivan" i said" these are my generals
and Keith. But obviously you know keith"
"It very nice to meet you".he smiled" I am happy Keith found a new family. "
We all chatted for about half an hour. Kolivan and I started talking about the coalition whilst my generals were all bickering with each other.

Every thing was going fine. Me and Kolivan were about to form the coalition when the sirens went off.
Kolivan turned on the screen. He got a call. He pressed answer. And on the screen stood the
Paladins of Voltron.

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