Chapter 25: Jealousy

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▪Henry started kissing my neck making me feel embarrassed. I couldn't get away from him because he was pinning me to the wall. His one hand was wrapped around my waist as the other one was squeezing my ass tightly.

Henry: So can you tell me now?

Y/n: T-tell you what?

Henry: Did that idiot Edward asked for your number?!

Y/n: Yes he did! He said that maybe he'll need it if he wants to ask me some things about school!

Henry: I am going to kill him!

Y/n: Why is that again?

Henry: That asshole likes you! And wants to take you away! I won't let that happen!

Y/n: Wait wha--?!

Before I could respond he started kissing and biting my neck again.

Y/n: Ah~!

I cried out embarrassed. He continued again and again leaving love marks on my neck and shoulders.

Henry: Your soft moans are cute! Haha!

Y/n: S-shut up jerk! How am I supposed to hide these?!

Henry: You can't. That's why I made them anyway! And I will make some more.~

Y/n: You are so mean! Don't even think about it!

He gave me a wink. And continued his masterpiece. I moaned as he found a weak spot in my neck.

Y/n: H-Henry pl-please..

He didn't stop. I felt something in between my legs. I felt my cheeks burning when I realized what it really was.

Y/n: Baby please.. The bell in gonna ring soon!

Henry: I am not done anyway. When the school is over for the day we'll go to my place.

Y/n: Fiiine!

▪We left the bathroom. On my way to my next class I met Anastasia.

Anastasia: There you ar- Wait! What happened to you?!

Y/n: Oh these? Well surprise I suppose!

Anastasia: Did Henry do that?

Y/n: Yep! And he was so jealous that made me cry out!

Anastasia: So he was jealous because of the one guy tapping your shoulder?

Y/n: Not him actually. The one that asked my number.

Anastasia: Asked about your what?! Then he is right to get jealous.

Y/n: Maybe! Haha!

I giggled.

We went to class. Everyone was staring at me the whole time because of Henry's love marks. After class Beverly approached me.

Beverly: And I thought you didn't have a boyfriend!

Y/n: Hehe! I have now!

Beverly: So wanna meet after school? Wanna go shopping with Richie and Billy?

Y/n: Sorry. I already have to go somewhere after school. Maybe another time.

Beverly: Don't worry how about tomorrow?

Y/n: I don't mind.

Beverly: Okay then. See you tomorrow. I'll sent a message for the details!

Y/n: Okay!

▪Me and Anastasia left the classroom and met the boys in the library.

Victor: What took you so long?!

Y/n: Relax Vic! I was just talking to a friend about meeting tomorrow!

Henry: A guy friend?!

Y/n: No! I'll meet with Beverly! We'll go shopping. Actually it's going to be Richie and Billy there so--

Henry: Don't you dare going then!

Patrick: He's right! You better not go.

Y/n: Why?! Because of two boys?!

Belch: Yes!

Y/n: What's gotten into you?!

Victor: It's called jealousy!

Y/n: Yeah but actually Beverly asked about today after school and I cancelled it because I was already going out with Henry!

Henry: At least you didn't cancel our plans! Fine you can go tomorrow but don't show anything! Be careful with the things you'll wear!

Y/n: Jeez you are acting like a brother!

Victor: I'll say it again! It's called jealousy!

Y/n: And you don't trust me? You think I'll go with someone else?!

Patrick: It's not that we don't trust you. We don't trust them!

Anastasia: Okay guys enough about that! We should have fun now that we can.

Belch: Okay. Wanna play books war again?

Patrick: Yeah!

Victor: I think this time we can go with teams. Each team will have two. I take Belch!

Patrick: I take Anastasia!

Henry: I take my beautiful goddess!
I blushed hearing that.

Anastasia: Okay let's start! Okay who counts?

Belch: We do!

We went in different places around the library and found large books. I took mine but I felt a hand grabbing making it fall from my hands.

Y/n: What the--?

I turned around and before I could say anything Henry kissed me like there is no tomorrow.

We went to a different room in the library. The others were playing and we were making out. It was funny hearing them shout our names.

Victor: Where are they?!

Belch: I am sure they are making out!

Anastasia: Awww so cute!

Patrick: We need to find where they are!

Anastasia: No! Don't ruin their moment!

Patrick: Fiine!

Meanwhile we were playing hide and seek.

Henry: Hmmm where's my baby girl hiding?

I giggled knowing that he can hear me.

Henry: Gotcha!

He pinned me to the wall making me blush.

Henry: Aww is my girl blushing?

Y/n: S-shut u-up! Don't be mean!

Henry: I am not! You are the one that is mean here!

Y/n: Then that means that you are the cutie here!

Henry blushed.

Henry: S-shut u-up!

Y/n: Make me then!

With that he kissed me deeply and I kissed back.

Henry: God.. You make me feel so weird..

In the exact same time the others found us. Victor took a picture before we can realise it.

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