Chapter 3: Eye contact

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▪Before I could sit down and finally tell Anastasia about what happened a member from my cousin's crew came up to me.

Lucifer: You are lucky your cousin is this patient with you. If we find out that you talk with them we'll make sure that you are going to change school and we are going to kick their asses up!

Y/n: Is that a threat?! You talk to me like that one more time and I'll make sure your life is shorter!

I shouted. Before he could respond I felt an arm around my shoulder. It was Victor.

Victor: Wait a minute you little loser. Whose asses you are going to kick?!

Lucifer: You heard me! Her cousin is going to kill you all!

Y/n: That won't happen if I say so!
With that the rest of the gang came up to us. The scariest of all and the most hated one like Richie said, Henry stood in front of me.

Henry: You better come with your crew outside the school and we can "talk" about it!

Henry turned around to look at me. We made eye contact for the very first time! I was blushing.

Patrick: Maybe we could burn your hair! How fun can that be?

Patrick said with an evil laugh.

Belch: We can also throw you in the river!

Victor: Or we can carve our names in your back!

I was just standing there.

▪After their conversation Henry looked at me again.

Henry: For a girl you really have the guts to stand up for yourself. That's a good thing. I really want to know you more.

Y/n: Oh um thanks I suppose. I don't mind either.

I smiled.

Henry: Good to hear that. Wanna meet sometime?

Y/n: Yeah sure. Anytime.

Henry: Good. I'll send Victor to tell you where we can meet. You two know each a little longer than I do so yeah he'll come and tell you time and place.

With that they left me standing there don't knowing what to do or how to react.

Anastasia: Did you just talked to them like they were your friends?!

Y/n: Y-yeah. It's a little weird. You better not tell anyone about it!

Anastasia: I won't, I promise. Just be careful. To be honest he really do seems that he likes you a little.

Y/n: Come on. He barely knows me.

Anastasia: That's why he asked you out girl! He wants to know more about you. And who knows? Maybe you can be a part of their gang. To be honest it would be nice to be the only girl in the crew or gang!

Y/n: Haha, true!

We left the cafeteria to go to our next lesson and it was physical education.
We went outside. We had so much space to run or dance so for me it was really fun! Our teacher approached us.

Teacher: So guys today you are going to play volleyball with class A'1. You can also play basketball or run but be careful.

Anastasia: Class A'1? Isn't that your cousin's class?

Y/n: Yeah. Five of the members of his crew are there and the most important part is that we'll be in different teams!

Anastasia: You think this is a good thing?

Y/n: Yeah because I can easily go to the bathroom or the locker room.

Anastasia: Okay, but I think you'll have a problem with that.

Y/n: Huh? What do you-?

Before I could finish my sentence Alex came in front of me.

Alex: You should better not play this time.

Y/n: Why is that all of a sudden?!

Alex: We have the Bowers gang in the class idiot! I won't let even look out for you so you better go to the bathroom or go somewhere you won't get noticed!

Y/n: Ugh! Booooring!

Alex: Just listen to me and go to the bathroom! Jeez! You already bring enough problems!

Y/n: Oh shut up! It's not my fault you know!

Alex: Yeah yeah we'll talk about it later.

Alex left me all red because of my anger. I didn't talk and got straight to the bathroom.

Little that I know Bowers gang was already there and saw me go to the bathroom.

▪Belch approached Anastasia.

Belch: Hey you! Where's your best friend?!

Anastasia got scared but answered.

Anastasia: S-she is in t-the bathroom. S-she is not going to c-come out because she had a f-fight with h-her cousin.

Belch left without saying anything. He got back to his gang.

Victor: Hah, pathetic! I really want to hit this bastard!

Patrick: Yeah me too. Why should we protect her from his crew? She is like our enemy!

Belch: Nah, to be honest she seems kind so I don't mind. Her best friend on the other hand is scared of us for sure! Haha!

Henry: Her only defect is that she's his cousin.

Patrick: "Her only defect"? Are you sure you are okay today Henry?

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